
Climate Council Wants All States To Follow Act And Go 100% Renewable By 2025

Renew Economy - Sophie Vorrath

The Climate Council has called on all of Australia’s state and territory leaders to follow the lead of the ACT and commit to a target of 100 per cent renewable energy within a decade.
The call follows an online campaign, conducted in partnership with change.org, which gathered nearly 25,000 signatures in support of the ACT’s ambitious renewables targets; which has already led to the development of 440MW of of new capacity through three reverse auctions, and is on track to provide 80 per cent of the ACT’s electricity needs by 2018.
ACT chief minister Andrew Barr said the petition showed there was no political reason why every state in Australia could not do something similar.
“I’m pleased to see that 24,207 supporters have signed the petition, presenting a strong message that will be hard for other Premiers and Chief Ministers to ignore,” Barr said in a media release on Friday.
ACT energy minister, and architect of the highly successful reverse auctions, Simon Corbell said Canberra was proud to have shown other jurisdictions that moving to renewables was achievable and affordable.
“The Climate Council was keen to identify the enabling factors that opened up the way for the ACT government to make such a strong commitment and any insights into what would need to occur for this to be replicated elsewhere,” Corbell said.
“The ACT’s pioneering reverse auction process ensures that Canberrans pay low prices for electricity while receiving maximum local investment benefits.
The government said the total cost of the renewables projects to the capital’s consumers would peak at an average of less than $5 a household per week by 2020. This would be offset by similar savings to households from mandated energy efficiency schemes, it said.


Australia's Emissions Rising And Vastly Underestimated, Says Report

The Guardian

Land clearing surge in Queensland since 2012 could create emissions roughly equal to those saved by the federal government's emissions reduction scheme
A government report says greenhouse gas emissions from land clearing have fallen to record lows, but this is being disputed by the Wilderness Society. Photograph: WWF Australia

The latest federal government carbon emissions inventory shows Australia has increased its emissions and has come under fire for allegedly vastly underestimating the amount of land clearing that has occurred, and its associated emissions.
The Quarterly Update of the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report, which counts emissions in Australia up to September 2015,says greenhouse gas emissions from land clearing have fallen to record lows.
But Guardian Australia reported last month that a report commissioned by the Wilderness Society showed a land clearing surge in Queensland since 2012 has been so big that it would create emissions roughly equal to those saved by the federal government's emissions reduction scheme, where they paid other farmers more than $670m to stop cutting down trees.
The amount the Queensland government said was cleared in that state alone was almost twice what the federal government said was cleared nationwide in 2014. Queensland reported that almost 300,000ha were cleared in the 2013-14 financial year, while the federal government says less than 170,000ha were cleared nationwide.
Looking at the emissions arising from land clearing, the federal government's report says there have been only 10.8m tonnes of C02 emitted in 2014 and 2015, and just slightly more in 2013. But the Queensland figures say that state alone produced 38m tonnes of CO2 from land clearing in 2015, up from 25m tonnes in 2013.
In response to those alleged discrepancies reported by Guardian Australia, the Department of Environment added a new explanatory section to the quarterly report.
It raised seven differences in the ways Queensland and the federal government measure land clearing, and concluded that "it is not appropriate to compare the two data sets directly without adjusting the data for these differences".
But the report does not explain how those differences could explain such a vastly contrasting result.
"It defies logic. This is a major discrepancy that can't be brushed off with the same inadequate explanations used so far," the Wilderness Society's climate campaign manager, Glenn Walker, said.
"The government "is either using very creative arithmetic or expects us to believe that the rest of Australia has planted enough trees to suck up the equivalent of about 20 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere," he said. "That's more than the emissions from Australia's dirtiest coal power station Hazelwood."
Senator Larissa Waters, the Australian Greens climate change spokeswoman, said: "The Turnbull government is using dodgy numbers so it can allow its big fossil fuel donors to keep polluting while claiming to be meeting its woefully inadequate reduction targets set by Tony Abbott."
Even with the contested drops in emissions from land clearing, the report shows that emissions have risen.
"In a sign of just how dodgy the accounting behind their climate targets is, the government is claiming to be meeting its 2020 target even though climate pollution is up," Waters said.
The report does not include any projections to 2020 or beyond, and so is unable to back up the government's claims that Australia's emissions peaked in 2005. And the government's own projections from 2015 found they would be much higher by 2035.
"We continue to see emissions steadily growing all the way to 2030, despite current policy," said Hugh Grossman, the chief executive of the environmental consulting company RepuTex.
"That's cause for concern, in that current policy – even the [Emissions Reduction Fund] – is not curbing our national emissions growth. If the argument is about how much emissions are growing, we're a long way from seeing emissions reductions."
A spokeswoman for Hunt said: "The emissions projections already fully take into account the Queensland government's land clearing laws and practice."
"The advice from the Department of the Environment is clear, categorical and absolute," she said, alleging that the Wilderness Society "wilfully misinterpreted data".
She said Australia's accounting system was subject to external scrutiny by a panel of international experts appointed by the UN framework convention on climate change.
"Is the Wilderness Society now questioning the authority of the UNFCCC?" she asked.

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100% Renewable Energy: What We Can Do in 10 Years

YES! Magazine

Photo from NASA / Flickr.

If our transition to renewable energy is successful, we will achieve savings in the ongoing energy expenditures needed for economic production. We will be rewarded with a quality of life that is acceptable—and, perhaps, preferable to our current one (even though, for most Americans, material consumption will be scaled back from its current unsustainable level). We will have a much more stable climate than would otherwise be the case. And we will see greatly reduced health and environmental impacts from energy production activities.
But the transition will entail costs—not just money and regulation, but also changes in our behavior and expectations. It will probably take at least three or four decades, and will fundamentally change the way we live.
Nobody knows how to accomplish the transition in detail, because this has never been done before. Most previous energy transitions were driven by opportunity, not policy. And they were usually additive, with new energy resources piling onto old ones (we still use firewood, even though we’ve added coal, hydro, oil, natural gas, and nuclear to the mix).
Since the renewable energy revolution will require trading our currently dominant energy sources (fossil fuels) for alternative ones (mostly wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, and biomass) that have different characteristics, there are likely to be some hefty challenges along the way.
Therefore, it makes sense to start with the low-hanging fruit and with a plan in place, then revise our plan frequently as we gain practical experience. Several organizations have already formulated plans for transitioning to 100 percent renewable energy. David Fridley, staff scientist of the energy analysis program at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and I have been working for the past few months to analyze and assess those plans and have a book in the works titled Our Renewable Future. Here’s a very short summary, tailored mostly to the United States, of what we’ve found.

Level One: The Easy Stuff
Nearly everyone agrees that the easiest way to kick-start the transition would be to replace coal with solar and wind power for electricity generation. That would require building lots of panels and turbines while regulating coal out of existence. Distributed generation and storage (rooftop solar panels with home- or business-scale battery packs) will help. Replacing natural gas will be harder, because gas-fired “peaking” plants are often used to buffer the intermittency of industrial-scale wind and solar inputs to the grid (see Level Two).
Electricity accounts for less than a quarter of all final energy used in the United States. What about the rest of the energy we depend on? Since solar and wind produce electricity, it makes sense to electrify as much of our energy usage as we can. For example, we could heat and cool most buildings with electric air-source heat pumps, replacing natural gas- or oil-fueled furnaces. We could also begin switching out all our gas cooking stoves for electric stoves.
Nearly everyone agrees that the easiest way to kick-start the transition would be to replace coal with solar and wind power.
Transportation represents a large swath of energy consumption, and personal automobiles account for most of that. We could reduce oil consumption substantially if we all drove electric cars (replacing 250 million gasoline-fueled automobiles will take time and money, but will eventually result in energy and financial savings). Promoting walking, bicycling, and public transit will take much less time and investment.
Buildings will require substantial retrofitting for energy efficiency (this will again take time and investment, but will offer still more opportunities for savings). Building codes should be strengthened to require net-zero-energy or near-net-zero-energy performance for new construction. More energy-efficient appliances will also help.
The food system is a big energy consumer, with fossil fuels used in the manufacture of fertilizers, food processing, and transportation. We could reduce a lot of that fuel consumption by increasing the market share of organic local foods. While we’re at it, we could begin sequestering enormous amounts of atmospheric carbon in topsoil by promoting farming practices that build soil rather than deplete it—as is being done, for example, in the Marin Carbon Project.
If we got a good start in all these areas, we could achieve at least a 40 percent reduction in carbon emissions in 10 to 20 years.

Level Two: The Harder Stuff
Solar and wind technologies have a drawback: They provide energy intermittently. When they become dominant in our overall energy mix, we will have to accommodate that intermittency in various ways. We’ll need substantial amounts of grid-level energy storage as well as a major grid overhaul to get the electricity sector close to 100 percent renewables (replacing natural gas in electricity generation). We’ll also need to start timing our energy usage to coincide with the availability of sunlight and wind energy. That in itself will present both technological and behavioral hurdles.
We could achieve at least a 40 percent reduction in carbon emissions in 10 to 20 years.
After we switch to electric cars, the rest of the transport sector will require longer-term and sometimes more expensive substitutions. We could reduce our need for cars (which require a lot of energy for their manufacture and decommissioning) by increasing the density of our cities and suburbs and reorienting them to public transit, bicycling, and walking. We could electrify all motorized human transport by building more electrified public transit and intercity passenger rail lines. Heavy trucks could run on fuel cells, but it would be better to minimize trucking by expanding freight rail. Transport by ship could employ sails to increase fuel efficiency (this is already being done on a tiny scale by the MS Beluga Skysails, a commercial container cargo ship partially powered by a 1,700-square-foot, computer-controlled kite), but relocalization or deglobalization of manufacturing would be a necessary co-strategy to reduce the need for shipping.
Much of the manufacturing sector already runs on electricity, but there are exceptions—and some of these will offer significant challenges. Many raw materials for manufacturing processes either are fossil fuels (feedstocks for plastics and other petrochemical-based materials) or require fossil fuels for mining or transformation (e.g., most metals). Considerable effort will be needed to replace fossil-fuel-based industrial materials and to recycle non-renewable materials more completely, significantly reducing the need for mining.
If we did all these things, while also building far, far more solar panels and wind turbines, we could achieve roughly an 80 percent reduction in emissions compared to our current level.
Energy infographic, YES illustration
World per capita primary energy consumption
Sources: Research from Peter Kalmus and Post Carbon Institute
YES! Magazine infographic, 2016

Level Three: The Really Hard Stuff

Doing away with the last 20 percent of our current fossil-fuel consumption is going to take still more time, research, and investment—as well as much more behavioral adaptation.
Just one example: We currently use enormous amounts of concrete for all kinds of construction. The crucial ingredient in concrete is cement. Cement-making requires high heat, which could theoretically be supplied by sunlight, electricity, or hydrogen—but that will entail a nearly complete redesign of the process.
While with Level One we began a shift in food systems by promoting local organic food, driving carbon emissions down further will require finishing that job by making all food production organic, and requiring all agriculture to build topsoil rather than deplete it. Eliminating all fossil fuels in food systems will also entail a substantial redesign of those systems to minimize processing, packaging, and transport.
The communications sector—which uses mining and high-heat processes for the production of phones, computers, servers, wires, photo-optic cables, cell towers, and more—presents some really knotty problems. The only good long-term solution in this sector is to make devices that are built to last a very long time and then to repair them and fully recycle and remanufacture them when absolutely needed. The Internet could be maintained via the kinds of low-tech, asynchronous networks now being pioneered in poor nations, using relatively little power. An example might be the AirJaldi networks in India, which provide Internet access to about 20,000 remote users in six states, using mostly solar power.
Back in the transport sector: We’ve already made shipping more efficient with sails, but doing away with petroleum altogether will require costly substitutes (fuel cells or biofuels). One way or another, global trade will have to shrink.
We may have to write off aviation as anything but a specialty transport mode.
There is no good drop-in substitute for aviation fuels; we may have to write off aviation as anything but a specialty transport mode. Planes running on hydrogen or biofuels are an expensive possibility, as are dirigibles filled with (non-renewable) helium, any of which could help us maintain vestiges of air travel. Paving and repairing roads without oil-based asphalt is possible, but will require an almost complete redesign of processes and equipment.
Great attention will have to be given to the interdependent linkages and supply chains connecting various sectors (communications, mining, and transport knit together most of what we do in industrial societies). Some links in supply chains will be hard to substitute, and chains can be brittle: A problem with even one link can imperil the entire chain.
The good news is that if we do all these things, we can get beyond zero carbon emissions; that is, with sequestration of carbon in soils and forests, we could actually reduce atmospheric carbon with each passing year.

Doing Our Level Best
This plan features “levels”; the more obvious word choice would have been “stages.” The latter implies a sequence—starting with Stage One, ending with Stage Three—yet accomplishing the energy transition quickly will require accelerating research and development to address many Level Two and Three issues at the same time we’re moving rapidly forward on Level One tasks. For planning purposes, it’s useful to know what can be done relatively quickly and cheaply, and what will take long, expensive, sustained effort.
How much energy will be available to us at the end of the transition? It’s hard to say, as there are many variables, including rates of investment and the capabilities of renewable energy technology without fossil fuels to back them up and to power their manufacture, at least in the early stages. This “how much” question reflects the understandable concern to maintain current levels of comfort and convenience as we switch energy sources. But in this regard, it is good to keep ecological footprint analysis in mind.
According to the Global Footprint Network’s Living Planet Report 2014, the amount of productive land and sea available to each person on Earth in order to live in a way that’s ecologically sustainable is 1.7 global hectares. The current per capita ecological footprint in the United States is 6.8 global hectares. Asking whether renewable energy could enable Americans to maintain their current lifestyle is therefore equivalent to asking whether renewable energy can keep us living unsustainably. The clear answer is: only temporarily, if at all. So why bother trying? We should aim for a sustainable level of energy and material consumption, which on average is significantly lower than at present.
One way or another, the energy transition will represent an enormous societal shift. During past shifts, there were winners and losers. In the current instance, if we don’t pay great attention to equity issues, it is entirely possible that only the rich will have access to renewable energy, and therefore, ultimately, to any substantial amounts of energy at all.
A truly all-renewable economy may be very different from the American economy we know today.
The collective weight of these challenges and opportunities suggests that a truly all-renewable economy may be very different from the American economy we know today. The renewable economy will likely be slower and more local; it will probably be a conserver economy rather than a consumer economy. It will also likely feature far less economic inequality. Economic growth may reverse itself as per capita consumption shrinks; if we are to avert a financial crash and perhaps a revolution as well, we may need a different economic organizing principle. In her recent book on climate change, This Changes Everything, Naomi Klein asks whether capitalism can be preserved in the era of climate change. While it probably can (capitalism needs profit more than growth), that may not be a good idea because, in the absence of overall growth, profits for some will have to come at a cost to everyone else.
This short article only addresses the energy transition in the United States; other nations will face different challenges and opportunities. Poor nations will have to find ways to provide all their energy from renewable sources while advancing in terms of the U.N. Human Development Index. Nations especially vulnerable to sea level rise may have other immediate priorities to deal with. And nations with low populations but very large solar or wind resources may find themselves in an advantageous position if they are able to obtain foreign investment capital without too many strings attached.
The most important thing to understand about the energy transition is that it’s not optional. Delay would be fatal. It’s time to make a plan—however sketchy, however challenging—and run with it, revising it as we go.


The Vast, Shrinking Northern Glaciers That We Never Even Talk About

Washington PostChris Mooney

Ice covered fjord on Baffin Island with Davis Strait in the background. (Michael Studinger/NASA)

We all know that Greenland is losing a lot of ice. If you take NASA’s word for it, it’s currently losing ice mass to the tune of 287 billion tons per year, enough to raise sea levels the better part of a millimeter annually. Overall, it contains enough ice to potentially raise sea levels by as much as 20 feet.
No wonder, then, when it comes to glacial loss and sea level rise, Greenland gets all of the attention (in the Northern Hemisphere, anyway). But as new research suggests, it’s far from the only major ice loser in the region.
We pay far too little attention to two others: the northern and southern glaciers of the Canadian Arctic archipelago. The northern region, centered on Ellesmere Island, contains more glacier mass than any other region in the world (outside of Greenland and Antarctica, that is), and the southern region, centered on the vast Baffin Island, also holds a very large amount of ice.
And they’re both fast losing ice. “If you do an entire inventory of all the glaciers, they actually are changing more than Greenland and Antarctica at the moment, or have been,” says Princeton geoscientist Christopher Harig, who conducted the new study in Geophysical Research Letters along with Princeton’s Frederik Simons.
Baffin Island is one of the five biggest islands in the entire world, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Its two largest ice caps, named Barnes and Penny, are “thought to be the last remnants of the Laurentide Ice Sheet” that once extended across much of North America, the survey says.
Ellesmere Island is arguably even more spectacular — like Antarctica (but on a considerably smaller scale), it is actually the home to significant ice shelves, or sheets of ice that extend over the ocean and hold back glaciers behind them as they flow into the sea. These are all located on the northern side of Ellesmere Island, facing the North Pole.
According to Environment and Climate Change Canada, these ice shelves have already been severely damaged as warming advances. In August 2005, the “entire Ayles Ice Shelf broke away,” says the agency, leaving just five remaining. When Ayles broke up, fully 7.5 percent of all of Ellesmere Island’s ice shelf area was lost in the space of an hour, a 2007 study found. And many of the remaining shelves have also lost major portions since then.
So what does it all add up to?
Harig and Simons used gravity data from NASA’s twin GRACE satellites to measure the ice mass loss from Greenland, these island-based Canadian glaciers (treating Ellesmere and Baffin as regions made up of multiple surrounding islands, not just single islands), and the Alaska region between 2003 and 2013.
You won’t be shocked to learn that Greenland is losing the most ice — they put the total at 244 billion tons per year, with an acceleration of 28 billion tons annually. That’s pretty close to NASA’s overall figure. And the acceleration, if it were to continue, would mean that Greenland’s current rate of ice loss would double in 10 years.
However, what’s striking is just how much mass is also vanishing from the Ellesmere and Baffin regions. Ellesmere, the study suggests, is losing 38 billion tons per year, and Baffin is losing 22 billion tons per year. Both are also seeing accelerating losses. The Gulf of Alaska region, the study found, is losing another 40 billion tons per year (other recent research put this higher, at 75 billion tons, for all of Alaska).
Thus, if you add up Alaska and the two Canadian regions, you get around 100 billion tons of ice loss per year, which is nothing to sniff at. No, it’s not Greenland. But then again, it’s actually not far from current estimates for total loss from Antarctica, which NASA puts at 134 billion tons per year.
Harig explains that overall, glaciers around the world contain about 412 millimeters — or roughly 16 inches — of potential sea level rise. Of this, 92 millimeters’ worth is to be found in the Ellesmere or northern Canadian glacier region, which makes it the single largest repository of land-based ice outside of Greenland or Antarctica. Baffin, Harig says, contains about 21 millimeters’ worth.
The key difference, and the reason why Greenland and Antarctica get all of the attention, is that their loss in the future is feared to grow further — and that they simply have so much to give. So far, they’re still only losing a trickle of their potential. By contrast, with these Canadian and Alaskan glaciers, the concern is that they will continue to lose ice, but become less significant contributors to sea level rise as the 21st century advances — and the two giants take over.
“There are a lot of different glacier areas, and they’re all very different,” says Harig. “Their number isn’t really large compared to Greenland and Antarctica until you add them up together.”


Australian Renewable Energy Jobs Continue To Fall

Fairfax - Tom Arup

The pressure is on renewable energy jobs. Photo: Supplied

The number of Australians working in renewable energy has fallen 3 per cent in the past financial year.
The decline caps off a 27 per cent collapse (about 5100 jobs) since 2010-11, when subsidies and other government support for the industry were at their most generous, and comes after investments in new projects cooled and the national renewable energy target sputtered.
The data, released by the Australia Bureau of Statistics on Tuesday, showed 470 full-time equivalent jobs were lost in renewable energy across 2014-15, compared with the previous 12 months.
The Australian trend sits amid a backdrop of growing global renewable energy employment. The International Renewable Energy Agency previously found 7.7 million people worked worldwide in the industry in 2014, up 18 per cent from the previous year.

Large-scale solar jobs up, but rooftop and wind roles fall
In Australia, large-scale solar was the only technology to register a meaningful employment rise in 2014-15, albeit coming from a low base of 370 in 2013-14 up to 830.
Most of the fall in employment across 2014-15 was among those working in rooftop solar and wind energy.
The number of people employed installing rooftop solar has collapsed from a high of 14,300 four years ago to about 7500 this last financial year.
In recent years, state and federal governments have reduced and axed subsidies for rooftop solar. The subsidies had helped create an installation boom but also attracted criticism for being overly generous.
Australia has one of the highest penetrations of rooftop solar in the world. The bureau found 19 per cent of suitable households had solar systems installed up to December.
In wind energy, the investment and construction in new projects largely stalled over the last two years after former prime minister Tony Abbott's push to cut the national renewable energy target, which was, ultimately, successful.
The target aims to have about 23 per cent of Australian electricity generated by clean technologies by the end of the decade.
There were 1230 jobs in wind energy last financial year, down from a high the previous year of 1720.
The Turnbull government has sought to assure investors it does not intend to change the renewable energy target again.
However, some market observers say new projects may still not be built fast enough to avoid triggering target penalties that energy consumers will, ultimately, have to pay.

Industry expects turnaround
Recently, big energy firms, such as AGL and Origin, have declared they are again looking to invest in renewable power projects. Australia is also attracting increasing overseas investment interest in its clean energy sector.
Some state governments, including Victoria and Queensland, have also said they will ramp up support for clean energy.
Clean Energy Council chief executive Kane Thornton said it was no surprise job numbers had fallen in 2014-15, reflecting a difficult period for the industry.
However, he said things were set to improve.
"A lot has changed since then, and confidence is growing across the sector after a challenging few years," Mr Thornton said.
"We are gearing up for an intense period of delivering large-scale projects such as wind and solar power plants between now and the end of the decade, which will create more jobs and investment in regional areas of the country."
Australian Conservation Foundation head Kelly O'Shanassy​ used the bureau data to attack the federal government's record on clean power, saying it had set the tone for the fall in jobs by dragging out ​negotiations over cutting the target, and pushing to axe clean energy agencies.

Direct full-time equivalent employment in renewable energy activities in Australia
2009-10               11,520
2010-11               17,010
2011-12               19,120
2012-13               16,930
2013-14               14,490
2014-15               14,020
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics