
Before The Flood Review – Dicaprio's Level-Headed Climate Change Doc

The Guardian

Correctly identifying the most important issue of our time, the actor uses his clout and his carbon footprint to travel the world and ponder the incongruities
Uncovering the impact of climate change … DiCaprio in Indonesia in Before the Flood. Photograph: RatPac Documentary Films

Here is a heartfelt, decent, educational documentary about the most important issue of our time – climate change – presented by A-lister Leonardo DiCaprio, who proves his own commitment to the cause.
His own interest began with an encounter with Al Gore in 2000 and has been a genuine passion with him since.
DiCaprio concedes that his own celebrity status is a double-edged sword.
It draws attention to the topic, but allows the naysayers to say that he is a shallow, chuckle-headed movie star and this whole issue must therefore be a fad.
There are brutal Fox TV news clips to this effect.
DiCaprio travels the globe (while cautiously conceding the carbon footprint issue – it is avowedly "offset" with a voluntary carbon tax payment) examining our fossil-fuel addiction, including emerging powerhouses such as India who now resent the idea of being denied the energy-consumption prosperity that the US has already enjoyed.
The answer seems to be, of course, enforcing the 2015 Paris agreement, developing wind and solar power – although revisionist arguments for nuclear are not touched upon – and also a carbon tax.
A shift in public opinion has to be achieved to change the political classes' opinion.
DiCaprio concludes with a ruminative walk-and-talk interview with President Obama himself, more interesting than his apparently wordless photo-op with the Pope.
A serious, substantial piece of work.

Watch the Before the Flood trailer – video.


Where Trump And Clinton Stand On Climate Change

CBS NewsBrian Mastroianni

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton at the third presidential debate, Oct. 19, 2016, in Las Vegas. PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images
The third and final presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Wednesday night in Las Vegas covered a wide range of issues from abortion to foreign policy to the national debt, but there was one glaring omission — climate change.
Six months after world leaders signed the Paris Agreement, a sweeping accord designed to combat global warming, climate change was only brought up tangentially, in one brief moment, on the debate stage. It was mentioned early on as “a real issue” by Clinton in her answer to an unrelated question. Other than that, moderator Chris Wallace, of Fox News, did not pose any questions about climate policy and neither of the candidates brought up specific proposals about how they would handle the challenges it presents — despite this being a year of record-breaking temperatures, drought, and destructive storms.
On social media, some observers decried the absence of climate change discussion at any of this year’s debates. Paul Krugman of the New York Times called the oversight “really disgraceful.”

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Oddly enough, the closest question to touch on the issue of climate change came from the red sweater-wearing, meme-worthy audience member Ken Bone at the second presidential debate. An undecided voter, Bone asked the candidates, “What steps will your energy policy take to meet our energy needs while at the same time remaining environmentally friendly and minimizing job layoffs?”
In response, Trump said: “I will bring our energy companies back ... They’ll pay off our national debt. They’ll pay off our tremendous budget deficits, which are tremendous. But we are putting our energy companies out of business. We have to bring back our workers.”
Clinton specifically used the term “climate change” in her answer: “So I have a comprehensive energy policy, but it really does include fighting climate change, because I think that is a serious problem,” she said. “And I support moving toward more clean, renewable energy as quickly as we can, because I think we can be the 21st century clean energy superpower and create millions of new jobs and businesses.”
Beyond that exchange, climate change has largely been left out of discussion.
So, with less than three weeks to go until Election Day, where do the two candidates stand on climate change? Here’s an overview:

Donald Trump
Back in a January interview with Fox News, before he clinched the Republican nomination, Trump said, “Climate change is just a very, very expensive form of tax. A lot of people are making a lot of money. I know much about climate change.”
He added, “I often joke that this is done for the benefit of China — obviously I joke — but this is done for the benefit of China.”
On his official campaign website, Trump does not have a section focused on climate change listed under “Positions.” There is, however, a section on the candidate’s energy policy.
The Trump campaign website says the presidential hopeful will “make America energy independent, create millions of new jobs, and protect clean air and clean water.”
It says he “will conserve our natural habitats, reserves and resources,” and “will unleash an energy revolution that will bring vast new wealth to our country.”
Trump’s team writes that his administration would “rescind all job-destroying Obama executive actions,” including that “Mr. Trump will reduce and eliminate all barriers to responsible energy production, creating at least a half million jobs a year, $30 billion in higher wages and cheaper energy.”
The word climate change appears nowhere on the page.
Trump has previously suggested he considers global warming a hoax “created by and for the Chinese,” as he put it in an oft-referenced 2012 tweet.

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In  March he also told The Washington Post that he is “not a big believer in man-made climate change.”
But despite his public skepticism, Trump applied for a permit to build a seawall next to his golf course and hotel in County Clare, Ireland, to prevent erosion, according to a Politico report from earlier this year. In his application, he included an environmental impact statement that mentions “global warming and its effects.”
Trump’s stance on climate change would make him unique among world leaders if elected. A study from The Sierra Club that compiled statements from leaders of 195 countries found that Trump would be the only head of state to declare climate change a hoax.

Hillary Clinton
“I believe in science. I believe that climate change is real and that we can save our planet while creating millions of good-paying clean energy jobs,” Clinton said during her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention in July.
On her official campaign website, Clinton has a section devoted to climate change under “Issues.” On the page, the campaign writes, “Climate change is an urgent threat and a defining challenge of our time. It threatens our economy, our national security, and our children’s health and futures.”
The page also states that the former secretary of state will “deliver on the pledge President Obama made at the Paris climate conference” and will not rely on “climate deniers in Congress to pass new legislation.” Her campaign says a Clinton administration would aim to “reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 30 percent in 2025 relative to 2005 levels and put the country on a path to cut emissions more than 80 percent by 2050.”
Clinton would likely have a lot of high-level help in fulfilling Mr. Obama’s climate change initiatives, given that one of the key actors on climate in his administration was her own campaign chairman, John Podesta.
Among the policies highlighted on the site, Clinton announces that she will launch a $60 billion “Clean Energy Challenge” that would partner with rural communities, states, and cities to cut carbon pollution “and expand clean energy, including for low-income families.”

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Clinton supports cutting tax subsidies on oil and gas companies.
The campaign also says she would create an Environmental and Climate Justice Task Force to focus on the “health, economic, and environmental impacts of pollution and climate change in vulnerable communities.”


We Are Approaching The Trumpocene, A New Epoch Where Climate Change Is Just A Big Scary Conspiracy

The Guardian

Websites pushing climate science denial are growing their audience in an era where populist rhetoric and the rejection of expertise is gaining traction
The Trumpocene epoch: Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally in Ohio. Photograph: Evan Vucci/AP
For years now geologists have been politely but forcefully arguing over the existence or otherwise of a new epoch – one that might have started decades ago.
Some of the world’s most respected geologists and scientists reckon humans have had such a profound impact on the Earth that we’ve now moved out of the Holocene and into the Anthropocene.
It’s not official. But it’s close.
Dropping nuclear bombs and burning billions of tonnes of fossil fuels will do that to a planet, as will clearing swaths of forests to make way for food production and supermarket car parks and the like.
That’s all in the real world though, and sometimes you might get the horrible, chilling idea that when it comes to the production of our thoughts and ideas, that’s not the place a lot of us live anymore.
So I’d like to also propose the idea of an impending new epoch – the Trumpocene – that in the spirit of the era itself is based solely on a few thoughts held loosely together with hyperlinks and a general feeling of malaise.
In the Trumpocene, the epoch-defining impacts of climate change are nothing more than a conspiracy. Even if these impacts are real, then they’re probably good for us.
The era is named, of course, for the phenomenon that is Donald Trump, the Republican pick for US president whose candidacy has been defined by a loose grasp of facts, jingoistic posturing, populist rhetoric, his amazing hair and his treatment of women.
So what are the things that might define the Trumpocene?
Is it the point at which large numbers of people started to reject the views of large groups of actual experts – people with university qualifications and things – in exchange for the views of anyone who agrees with them? (Brexit, anyone?)
How about that point when a critical mass of people have become convinced that they can Google their way out of the laws of physics?
Let’s go and dig for evidence of the Trumpocene.
A few months ago, Trump gave an interview to polemicist and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who could be the angriest person on the internet.
Jones has a regular online radio and TV show called Infowars that has expanded beyond being a vehicle for Jones’s cult personality to include regular news bulletins and a line in “alternative” health therapies.
Jones thinks that climate change is a scam being forced on us by the United Nations, which, in turn, is a totalitarian regime and kingpin of a new world order.
The a fervent Trump supporter has told his viewers that the both US president, Barack Obama, and the Democrat nominee, Hilary Clinton, were “literal demons” who smelt of sulphur. I kid you not.
In Australia, we have a senator who similarly sees climate change as a thing made up by the UN. Our top-rating radio host, Alan Jones (no relation), has said climate science is “witchcraft”.
Now, before I go on, there’s a prevailing view (often expressed in the comments of this blog) that climate science deniers and oddballs like Alex Jones should be ignored. In some ways, those commenters are right.
But then you look at the popularity of people like Jones and see that, to increasing numbers of people, they are not people to be ignored, but are paragons of fearless truth-telling.
There’s a demographic to which rhetoric from people like Jones and, more broadly, Trump, appeals.
Jones’s YouTube account has about 1.6 million subscribers and is growing. He has 1.2m likes on his Facebook account. His website, according to SimilarWeb, was getting 27m pageviews a month back in February. Now it’s at 36m.
Earlier this year Jones snagged a rare interview with the conservative blogger Matt Drudge. Jones and Drudge expressed mutual admiration.
Drudge’s news and opinion aggregator website, the Drudge Report, is a genuine web phenomenon and considered hugely influential.
With about 1.37bn page views a month, the Drudge Report is the second-ranked media site in the United States — 600m views behind msn.com but 300m ahead of Google’s news page.
The Drudge Report also tends to link to news items that disparage any action to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
There’s now a whole media ecosystem that climate science denialism can exist inside, where there’s little scrutiny of the views of deniers. US-based sites like the Drudge Report, Infowars, Breitbart and Daily Caller are part of that ecosystem.
As the Guardian’s Roy Greenslade notes, Breitbart “has the dubious honour of challenging Fox News’s status as America’s most influential conservative media outlet”.
Not only is the outlet having influence, but its executive chairman, Stephen Bannon, is running Trump’s campaign.
Breitbart too is growing its audience, according to those SimilarWeb statistics. In February 2016 the site registered 89m page views. In August, it was up to 143m.
Another characteristic of the Trumpocene might be the heightened levels of hubris combined with triumphant rhetoric and the tendency towards insults.
The Breitbart writer James Delingpole, for example, rejects the evidence of human-caused climate change. Last week he described a Royal Society fellow and climate scientist as a “puffed-up missy”.
“What a bunch of disgraceful, money-grubbing, charlatans the climate alarmists are,” wrote Delingpole, before then trying to link “climate alarmists” with child abusers.
For a while, maybe the Trumpocene and the Anthropocene can coexist.
But even though they exist on separate plains, can we really afford to dismiss the impact of either of them?
