
Women Are Breaking The Climate Taboo And Questioning Whether To Have Kids In Such A World

FusionRenee Lewis

Elena Scotti/FUSION
Climate change has caused a reproductive justice crisis, activists say, as its projected impacts lead some to question how they could have a baby with such an uncertain future.
Nearly 200 nations came together to sign a climate treaty in Paris last year, but even their collective efforts to reduce emissions will not be enough to keep the planet at a safe level of temperature rise.
President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to expand fossil fuel development, meanwhile, scientists say the world may have entered its sixth mass extinction event.
All of these things point to a precarious future for our species—a business-as-usual scenario will mean some six feet of sea level rise and some regions of the world becoming uninhabitable or disappearing under rising seas by the end of the century.
With little time to spare, many are trying to take matters into their own hands and consider their options. A group of 21 youth recently sued the federal government for its role in creating the climate crisis and for leaving them to inherit a polluted planet—calling it generational injustice.
Others worry more about future generations.
“Decision makers have repeatedly put big business and fossil fuels over a future for our children,” said Meghan Kallman, co-founder of Conceivable Future.
The women-led network hopes to bring awareness to the threat climate change poses to reproductive justice, and to end U.S. subsidies for the fossil fuel industry.
Kallman and co-founder Josephine Ferorelli brought up a taboo question—how this affects a person’s decision on whether or not to have kids.
“How does this affect people of childbearing age?” Kallman asked.
The response they’ve received has been overwhelming, with many people commenting on articles written about the group: ‘That’s my reason!’
Women as well as men are consciously deciding not to have children, knowing that their kids could inherit a future that is unlivable.
“People are still shocked when they ask why I don’t have children, and I tell them ‘for environmental reasons,’” Shannon O., 38 years old, said in a testimonial for Conceivable Future.
“People will laugh, and some will actually be offended,” Shannon O. said.
She told her boyfriend when they first started dating that she didn’t want kids, and although he was initially taken aback, he came to the same conclusions that she had.
Having a child, especially in America where consumption levels are so high, adds another carbon footprint. For example, an American woman who makes lifestyle changes such as recycling and driving a fuel-efficient car saves almost 500 tons of CO2 emissions in her lifetime. But choosing to not have a child would dwarf that, preventing almost 10,000 tons of CO2 from being emitted into the atmosphere.
“What does bringing more people into the world mean for the future of the planet and what are those people’s lives going to look like?”
 Projected impacts are also causing many to think twice about having a baby.
“Whether or not to have children as it relates to climate change (came down to) whether or not there’ll be a sustainable future for children that doesn’t involve floods, drought and hell on Earth,” 25-year-old Caitlin, from Seattle, WA, said.
Thinking about it that way made the decision too intellectual, Caitlin said, adding her life “isn’t an equation.”
Another testimony echoed Caitlin’s thoughts about calculating the risks and rewards of having kids in the context of climate change.
“I am currently feeling very conflicted about whether I want to bring biological children into the world,” said Alison Nihart, 31, of Burlington, VT.
“What does bringing more people into the world mean for the future of the planet and what are those people’s lives going to look like?” Nihart asked, saying she often envisions famine, drought, and increased conflict.
David Holzman, a 32-year-old New York, NY, resident, said he didn’t have kids but has always been interested in reproductive rights and privilege.
“I think maybe in the past few years I’ve warmed to the idea (of having kids) … I’m often delighted with my friends being so happy with having children,” Holzman said.
Holzman said climate change aside, there have been ethical arguments against having children for quite a while.
“It seems like this perennial question that ethically points to not having children, but then balanced with this human desire becomes more fraught,” Holzman said.
The testimonies are part of Conceivable Future’s strategy to build a conversation—and a movement—around this question. Ferorelli said they hope the movement will become powerful enough to enact change at the local level—especially with Trump’s statements on expanding the fossil fuel industry.
“Now more than ever, we need to organize at the grassroots level, because the possibility of federal action is pretty severely limited,” Ferorelli said.
The group encourages anyone who’s interested in talking about these issues to host a house party. There, they can discuss these often taboo topics openly in a comfortable environment.
Across the country, people have hosted house parties and sent in nearly 70 testimonies.
“They can feel their way through stuff that’s in their minds that they never said out loud,” Ferorelli said.
One house party in Seattle, WA, saw hosts open with introductions and then a free write—where participants wrote down their thoughts in a raw, sometimes unusable way. Then, they broke up into small groups and used the free write as a way to spark conversation.
At the end, they would record or write testimonies.
Participants were asked to send their testimonies to three important people in their lives—whether a family member or a local representative—to keep the conversation moving.
They also challenged everyone who testified to send their testimonies to the banks that funded the Dakota Access pipeline at the height of the Standing Rock protests in North Dakota.
“One thing we’ve observed over and over is that for white middle class participants, it comes as a nasty shock that elected officials don’t care about their babies or reproductive lives.”
Even though the testimonies reflected different and at times opposing opinions, what remains common is all of their decisions were confined within the context of climate change and leaders who aren’t taking strong enough action, Ferorelli said.
“No one is making choices freely under this threat,” Ferorelli said.
Ferorelli likened it to the sometimes difficult choice for African Americans thinking about having children in an era of state violence against black people.
“This issue plays out in complex ways along the lines of privilege,” Ferorelli said. “One thing we’ve observed over and over is that for white middle class participants, it comes as a nasty shock that elected officials don’t care about their babies or reproductive lives.”
People of color tend to be more sensitized to leaders that don’t care about their reproductive lives, Ferorelli said, and often contribute to a more nuanced conversation.
One example is concern about overpopulation, which harkens back to racist ideas that blamed women in poor or developing countries for having too many kids.
“The people saying this are usually the most exorbitant consumers,” Kallman said, adding that the question of population is secondary as it correlates to climate harm only insofar as the population is consuming as we do in the U.S.
“There’s been a violent history of reproductive control … we’re acknowledging that in our conversation actively,” Kallman said.
The women hope the conversation they have started and the tools they offer through house parties, building community, and testimonies will help embolden people to take action to change the system that has created climate change.
That could be “civil disobedience or running for office,” said Kallman, who was recently elected to the Pawtucket, RI, city council.
“People have to feel empowered to make demands of the system,” Kallman said.
As Kallman takes steps toward local change, she still has many questions about her personal decision on whether or not to have children. She comes from a large family, and wonders how she will be linked to her heritage if she decides not to have kids.
Being recently engaged, she’s been asked the question more than ever, and realizes the social and internal pressures women experience that point them towards having children.
Marnie Jones, a mother of three from Whidbey Island, WA, wrote in a testimony about her personal beliefs on childbearing.
“I can’t help wondering what future my children can expect to have,” Jones said, referencing climate change and species extinction. “Still, I don’t regret becoming a mother. I believe in our power, as a species, to change—and I believe in children as empowered agents of that change.”
“I truly expect that together we can save the world,” Jones said.


Human-Caused Climate Change Causes Unprecedented Arctic Heatwave, Scientists Say

Stuff - Thomas Manch

The Arctic had the hottest November on record, and a collective of climate scientists say it's directly linked to climate change. NASA
Human-caused climate change is being held responsible for the warmest winter on record so-far at the North Pole.
The Arctic region reached record-high temperatures in November and ice coverage was the lowest in over 150 years.
Temperatures 15 degrees Celsius warmer than expected were recorded, in what a group of scientists have called an "unprecedented" heat wave.

This map depicts the difference in temperatures for November 17 from long term averages, revealing an abnormally hot Arctic while displaced polar air brings cooler than usual temperatures to Siberia. (Supplied)
In a December 21 report, the collective of climate researchers say it's a direct result of human-caused climate change.
Dr Friederike Otto, a senior researcher at the University of Oxford's Environmental Change Institute, said they were "very confident" the warming was a result of human action.
"We have used several different climate modelling approaches and observations ... and in all our model, we find the same thing; we cannot model a heatwave like this without the anthropogenic signal," she told BBC News.
An early winter heat wave of -7C was recorded on November 11. That's 15C warmer than is expected for this time of year. Over the whole month, the temperature was on average 13C warmer than normal.
Temperatures have remained "well above normal", and the report forecasts the North Pole will again reach 15C warmer than is normal over Christmas.
Record-high temperatures mean record-low ice growth. November signals the beginning of Arctic ice growth; in 2016 the sea ice growth was the lowest since 1850. Typically, the North Pole is 95 per cent covered by sea ice, this year it's about 80 per cent covered.
"If the globe is warming, then the sea ice and ice on land [shrinks] then the darker water and land is exposed," Otto said.
"Then the sunlight is absorbed rather than reflected as it would be by the ice."
This creates a feedback loop; water absorbs more heat than ice, melting the ice it surrounds, which creates more water, which then heats, and melts more ice.
The researchers said modelling which reconstructed temperature patterns back "to about 1900" also show these temperatures are unprecedented.
In their modelling which removed historic human climate intervention, such a heatwave would occur roughly every 200 years.
Looking forward, the scientists predicted that such heat waves would occur about 50 per cent of the time by 2050.
"If nothing is done to slow climate change, by the time global warming reacher 2C, events like this winter would become common at the North Pole, happening every few years," the report said.
"That will be a huge stress on the ecosystem," Otto told BBC News.
The consequences of the warming Arctic climate are wide ranging. When the arctic heats up, weather patterns change around the region change.
It can mean an increase of rain on snow, which freezes into an ice crust. This crust prevents reindeer herds from finding food beneath the snow.
In 2013, an "extreme weather event" and subsequent ice crust caused the mass starvation of a herd, killing 61,000 reindeer - about 22 per cent of the herd.
According to the report, the Arctic is the fastest-warming region on the planet.


Climate Change Could Have Devastating Impact On Global Fisheries

CBC News

But if countries abide by Paris agreement, fisheries could see increase of 6 million tons of fish annually
With a warming climate, fish may end up migrating northward to cooler waters, a new study has found. The change would deeply impact countries around the world. (Luis Galdamez/Reuters)
If climate change continues unchecked and the global temperature increases by more than the Paris agreement target of 1.5 C, it is certain to have a dire impact on fish catches, a new study has found.
Fishing is a major commercial industry and source of food for many people around the world, particularly in temperate regions. However, as more carbon dioxide is pumped into the atmosphere, it causes the temperature of the world's oceans to rise. This can create less-than-ideal conditions for fish and marine life.
'Imagine: if you're in Vancouver, you're going to see fish that you've never seen before.' - Gabriel Reygondeau, University of British Columbia
Instead of living in an unfriendly environment, the fish will start to migrate to the cooler waters near the poles.
This will leave temperate regions — at the equator and up to 25 degrees latitude both north and south — without the fish they so depend on.
The study, published in the journal Science, used a numerical model to calculate what would happen in a "business-as-usual" scenario where the planet continues to warm 3.5 C above the average. What they found was a major disruption of marine life.
"For every degree Celsius warmer, there will be about three million tonnes of fish that we're losing form the ocean in terms of potential fisheries catches," lead author William Cheung, director of science at the Nippon Foundation-UBC Nereus Program and associate professor at UBC's Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries told CBC News.
Effects on marine fisheries in the Arctic, temperate, and tropical regions under 1.5, 2.5, and 3.5 degree global warming. (Design by Lindsay Lafreniere, Nippon Foundation-Nereus Program)
And, as Canadians, we'll see the impacts as well.
"In Canada we're used to fishing cod, certain types of fish," said Gabriel Reygondeau, who co-authored the paper. "With climate change, there will be a poleward migration of all the fish. The fish of the tropics will go higher and higher in latitude to track down their optimal environment. Imagine: if you're in Vancouver, you're going to see fish that you've never seen before."
The effects of a warming ocean has already been seen, Reygondeau said.
"All the trends that we describe in our paper are trends that have already been reported," he said.

Good news
However, instead of seeing it as bad news, the researchers have taken a positive approach: the Paris climate agreement is on the right track.
"What we show in this paper is all the benefits of reaching this 1.5 C target," Reygondeau said. "The train has already left the station and is going faster and faster. The problem now is how much are we committed to not losing any more."
In order to prevent a large-scale loss of fish, it's important that all the countries — particularly some of the largest emitters of carbon dioxide — hold to the Paris agreement.
This graphic compares the top five carbon dioxide emitting countries to the potential loss in fisheries catch. (Design by Lindsay Lafreniere, Nippon Foundation-Nereus Program)
The main goal, Cheung said, was to highlight a very real consequence of climate change.
"Often … agriculture is the main concern," Cheung said. "Fisheries are often not highlighted. But lots of coastal communities are dependant on marine fish. Some of the countries will be at risk of being malnourished if there's a substantial decrease in their fish supply.
"If one of these big, big countries does not respect the Paris a that will clearly, clearly affect the efforts of all the others."
The difference between a 1.5 C and 3.5 C warming is considerable. The study found that the Indo-Pacific region would see a 40 per cent increase in fisheries catches at 1.5 C versus 3.5 C. That translates into a gain of about six million tons of fish annually.
The authors hope their findings will provide an incentive for countries to abide by the climate goals set out by the Paris agreement.
Reygondeau said, "1.5 degrees is a threshold. It's a threshold where it's still acceptable."
"Lots of countries, lots of regions are still going to lose a lot of catch, but it's still acceptable; 1.5 degrees is a tipping point."
