
March Was Second Hottest On Record Globally

Climate Central - 

The exceptional global heat of the past few years continued last month, with March ranking as the second hottest on record for the planet. It followed the second hottest February and third hottest January, showing just how much Earth has warmed from the continued buildup of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Global temperature anomalies for each month since 1880. March 2017 was the second warmest March, behind only 2016. Click image to enlarge. Credit: NASA

March was 2.02°F (1.12°C) warmer than the 1951-1980 average, according to NASA data released Friday. It ranks behind only March 2016, which was 2.29°F (1.27°C) above that same average. NASA’s global temperature records extend back 137 years.
While global temperatures in 2016 received a small boost from an exceptionally strong El Niño — which features warmer-than normal ocean waters in the eastern tropical Pacific  — the majority of the temperature rise is due to human-caused global warming.
Current levels of carbon dioxide — the main greenhouse gas driving up global temperatures — are unprecedented in human history, and if they continued unabated, could reach a level not seen in the atmosphere in 50 million years, according to a recent study.
Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, carbon dioxide levels have risen from about 280 parts per million to more than 400 ppm. Those levels are expected to top 410 ppm in the next few weeks.
While 2017 isn’t expected to top 2016 as the hottest year on record globally, in part because El Niño has dissipated (though there are some signs it could return later this year), it is still likely to rank among the hottest years, according to projections from the U.K. Met Office.
So far, global temperatures this year are on track with those projections, Adam Scaife, head of long-range prediction at the Met Office, said.
“We have said a number of times now that we would likely see three record years in a row and then another very warm, but perhaps not record year, in 2017, so the small number of data we have so far for 2017 also concur with that,” he said in an email last month.
How temperatures around the world varied compared to the 1951-1980 average, with red colors denoting warmer-than-average temperatures and blue cooler-than-average. Much of the U.S., as well as all of Europe and Russia were abnormally warm. Click image to enlarge. Credit: NASA
Of the 17 hottest years on record, 16 have occurred in the 21st century (the exception was the strong El Niño year of 1998), according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The five warmest years have all occurred since 2010, according to NOAA, which will release its own global temperature data for March on April 19.
So far this year NOAA’s rankings have agreed with NASA’s.


Solar Panel Installations 'Skyrocket' In Australia

ABC NewsAmy Bainbridge

Warwick and Lola Neilly have saved hundreds of dollars by installing solar panels on their roof. (ABC News: Chris Le Page)
Key points:
  • Solar panels were installed on about 15,000 homes and businesses in March 2017
  • Installations have hit their highest level in almost five years
  • Experts say rising electricity bills and recent blackouts in SA are turning people to solar
There has been a big surge in the number of households installing solar panels, with March installations reaching their highest level in almost five years.
Warwick Johnston from energy consultancy firm Sunwiz crunched the numbers and said 91 megawatts of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems were installed during the month.
"March has been a very impressive month for 2017," he said.
"We already saw a surge starting to build up in 2016, and we were wondering if that was going to continue into 2017 and it really has just continued to skyrocket."
Queensland led the way, installing 25 megawatts of capacity, which is enough to power about 5,500 homes and businesses.
Installations were also up in South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria.
Mr Johnston said the recent blackouts in South Australia were a factor in the rising demand.
"People are certainly aware of the benefits of solar power and storage to offset or protect against grid blackouts, and that has been a driving factor in the uptake of solar," he said.
"We're seeing the uptake occur in states which weren't affected by those blackouts as well, so it really is people being aware that solar panels are a great way to beat rising electricity bills."
Installation figures in Tasmania, the Northern Territory and the ACT were flat.

'Nonna effect' sees word spread
Warwick and Lola Neilly say their solar panels mean they are now spending about $2 a month for electricity. (ABC News: Amy Bainbridge)
Warwick and Lola Neilley recently installed a four-kilowatt system on the roof of their home in Melbourne's northern suburbs.
"We are paying basically $2 dollars per month in electricity," Lola Neilley said.
"It's an incredible saving, and [there is] the peace of mind that we are not at the mercy of the commercial interest of the privatised distribution of electricity."
Mrs Neilley said a lot of people in her neighbourhood had installed solar panels.
"The council have what they called the 'nonna effect' where one grandmother installs the solar panels and tells the others," she said.
Sarah McNamara from the Australian Energy Council said it was not surprising consumers wanted more control over their power bills.
But she said it added a layer of complexity to the energy market.
"It gives retailers opportunities to provide attractive options for their solar PV customers in terms of the feed-in tariffs they're offering and perhaps other services as part of a retail package," she said.
"For the national energy market (NEM) it means there is more intermittent generation in the market.
"It's a good thing that there's more generation but a challenge for the NEM, because when the sun isn't shining in the area you live in then you are not able to generate electricity for your own home or to put back into the electricity market."
She said batteries were potentially an important part of the solution going forward.
"The difficulty at the moment is that batteries are still extremely expensive, around $10,000 for your average domestic-sized battery unit," she said.
"Overall, what we would say is what we need is good policy settings that are bipartisan at a federal and a state level, because then investors might consider investing in firm generation."


Free Electricity! (Or How Home Batteries Could Disrupt Everything Everywhere)

Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit - Matt Finch

Fancy free electricity? Want to be rid of those pesky energy companies asking you for money every month/quarter? Then there’s a simple way. Move to Germany.
Home batteries like the Tesla Powerwall are becoming increasingly popular. Image: Pasco Olivier, creative commons licence
Unbelievably, German home battery manufacturer Sonnen has just launched a product offering that means you, the consumer, can receive free electricity for 10 years.
Yep, you read that right - 10 - years.
All you have to do is buy the battery (for €3,999) and become part of the Sonnen energy community of household producers and storers (imaginatively named - wait for it - the “sonnenCommunity”), allowing your battery to soak up or spew out electricity as and when needed. It’s limited to 5000 sales, but is surely a sign of where the home battery market could head in other countries.
Indeed, Sonnen is about to perform the same trick in Australia. It could earn more money from the Aussie national grid for balancing services than  from households - households will again just pay for the battery and get free electricity.

Lessons from abroad 
As we’re all now well aware, just as in Germany and Australia, energy storage is the next piece of the puzzle that will be slotted into the UK’s energy system. The sun shines, the wind blows, the tide comes in - add storage to the mix and burning fossil fuels will seem so last century.
In a digitally connected ‘smart’ world, grid balancing will be done by algorithms, and part of this process will involve instructing thousands of energy storage devices to either import or export electricity. As a by-product, we would be richer as well - the National Infrastructure Commission estimated consumers collectively could save up to £8 billion a year. Eight Billion!
Grid balancing has historically been all about matching supply to demand, but in the future will be as much about matching demand to supply, and that supply may not come directly from the normal operators. Not only will big centralised coal power stations be fossils, but if the sun isn’t shining/wind not blowing/uranium not splitting, then that electricity is likely to come from one of the millions of batteries that will become part and parcel of everyday life.
And there’s a good chance one of those batteries will be in your house.
The UK has some 3.23 GW of storage projects (as of August 2016, including pumped hydro), but the vast majority of this is found "in front of the meter" - in other words, it's connected to the grid, not a private add-on in the home or business. Included in this figure are some 1500 household installations though, all of which have an associated solar array somewhere near them.
To give this some idea of this market's potential, there are an estimated 34,000 household batteries in Germany already. Australia installed 6500 household systems last year. Indeed, Bloomberg New Energy Finance estimates that the global household battery market will become worth $250 billion by 2040.

Ageing infrastructure
Regardless of how many batteries are installed worldwide, you may question why millions of home batteries would be installed in the UK. After all, the grid works fine, doesn’t it?
Well, yes and no. The district network operators (DNOs) of this country - the companies that get electricity from the pylons into your homes - are struggling to update their infrastructure to deal with increasingly variable loads given the amount of decentralised solar and wind generation going into their systems. As of the end of 2015, around 26% (24GW) of the UK’s total generation capacity was directly connected to the DNOs' networks. Around a million homes have solar panels, and that figure is only going in one direction.
Large-scale energy storage systems help balance electricity supply and demand. Image: Portland General Electric, creative commons licence
And those panels are useful as they not only produce free electricity, but they help the nation's collective wallet, given that we’re a net importer of energy.
And voila! Our first disruption presents itself. At the risk of sounding too obvious, the energy utility companies make more money the more electricity you use. Use less, and their turnover and profits diminish.
Centrica (owner of British Gas) has recognised this. It has set up a smart micro-grid trial in Cornwall (incorporating batteries), in effect positioning itself to be ready for the future UK energy system. Indeed, it has acquired at least 9 distributed energy companies to help this positioning.
You could argue that in the short-term it'll be disrupting itself - but in the long run, companies adapt or die.
Home and business batteries also guarantee the local lights stay on if there is a blackout, but the value of this varies wildly (this London Economics report attempts to quantify this).
If I lose electricity for a few hours in my house, the worst that can happen is all the food in my freezer defrosts. How much would I pay to protect against that? I’m no Jamie Oliver, so I need that stack of pizzas-on-demand. It would be annoying, but not life-threatening like, say, in a hospital where the backup currently comes from diesel generators.
You can easily see how new sales of diesel generators (and by extension, diesel) will start to slide. Another market disrupted by batteries.
Interestingly, it’s presumed that battery owners will have some associated solar panels. In theory, there’s no need for this though. Home batteries have the ability to absorb electricity when it is cheap (say, on a windy night - and the UK is windy), and spew back to the grid when it’s expensive, pocketing the difference. This is one of the positives marketed by the current home battery market players.
However, this will only be a short-medium term effect, as the more storage there is on the system, the less expensive electricity an individual battery can soak up, and the less financial gain an individual unit can make. So batteries actually disrupt themselves. And, presuming batteries are not colluding with each other, they also form a perfect market that eventually evens out the wholesale price, disrupting electricity traders.
Should millions of home/business batteries be installed, then both the morning and evening peaks would seriously flatten out in the summer, and the winter evening peak would also sag.
But the winter morning peak would still exist. Why? In summer, batteries would fully charge up during the day, but then we may not get round to using all that electricity by the time the sun rises the next day and the cycle starts again. Conversely, in winter, less sun means the battery may not get to full charge, and then as we demand more electricity from it it would fully deplete - meaning we would still rely on the grid for the morning peak. The UK capacity market is designed to cover peaks between 4pm and 7pm November to February. Disrupted (but probably moved 6am-9am).

Disruptors disrupted
Renewables and energy storage combine to disrupt conventional power systems. Image: National Grid, creative commons licence
However, the above paragraph presumes that batteries are unidirectional, but that doesn’t have to be true.
Whilst we know that sun only shines in the day, the wind can blow at any point. Should that be at night, those batteries can absorb the excess produced by wind farms via the grid, providing us with our morning heat and light.
But that deduction only works if something else isn’t absorbing that energy, such as your electric car battery, or even a grid-level battery connected directly to the wind farm. All of a sudden, you can see how different types of batteries all start disrupting each other. And you need a crystal ball or a (PhD in energy economics) to predict what the final combination of the three types would be.
Taking this further; since renewables have zero marginal costs (because the wind and sun are free), they depress wholesale power prices, which in turn lowers revenues for all generators - and lower revenues means lower profits for generators. This is partly why the capacity market was needed in the first place - to ensure generators that would ordinarily have shut up shop could cover the peaks when renewables aren’t generating.
Aggregate millions of batteries together, and in effect you have another source of power, but this time it’s dispatchable and also has a close to zero marginal cost of production. Conventional generators are duly disrupted.
In a similar move to Sonnen’s community, British company Moxia has started down the future utility company/grid balancing route in the UK, by offering payments to join its GridShare aggregation platform (at the moment the payment is only £50 though, not free electricity for a decade).
It suddenly becomes easy to see how batteries could be in direct competition with generators and utilities, despite not generating a single electron themselves.The effects will spiral outwards, and that’s before we even discuss how grid level and potential vehicle-to-grid storage could affect things. Whilst there are no government policies in place to encourage uptake of behind-the-meter home batteries (should there be?), it’s clear that energy storage will play a large part in our future energy system.
The future will certainly be interesting!
