
We Are Facing A Climate Emergency: The Time Has Come For Civil Resistance

ABC Religion and Ethics - Thea Ormerod*

The world is now in the grip of a climate emergency, and this requires a response which is ethically informed and courageous, rather than cautious and self-protective. Credit: STILLFX / getty images
Every week, it seems, new and dirtier secrets are unearthed about the unethical nature of Adani's operations and its close ties to Australian governments. For the most part, the Australian public looks on with a sense of powerlessness.
However, there are sections of civil society, including the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC), which are moving from helplessness to collective, creative, peaceful action aimed at disrupting the ailing status quo.
Conventional approaches to social change have proven ineffective against an entrenched malignancy that is poisoning our nation's proper response to the current climate emergency. Therefore, the Board of ARRCC is embracing civil resistance as one of its approaches to change.
I want here to explain why peaceful civil resistance could be a healing and transformative moral response at this pivotal moment.

This fight is a moral one
Quietly, most Australians have had a gutful of the incestuous connections between the big end of town and our elected representatives. In their book Game of Mates, Cameron Murray and Paul Frijters expose how well-connected business interests have perverted decision-making in this country in order to line their own pockets. Coal, oil and gas corporations are exerting undue influence over governments at every level.
Adani's new coal project is but another example of this - except, this time, the implications are truly global.
For the world to have any chance of avoiding an escalation of dangerous damage to the climate, experts tell us that much, if not all, of the world's oil reserves should remain in the ground. If Adani's proposed Carmichael coal mine is established, it will be a mega-mine. The result of its annual output would be greenhouse gas pollution greater than the annual emissions of whole countries like Sri Lanka or Bangladesh, and equivalent to that of Malaysia.
Furthermore, if Adani's planned rail link and port expansion go ahead, several other coal mining companies are waiting to dig for coal in the Galilee Basin. More cheap coal will flood the world's markets, undermining the competitiveness of renewables. This would indeed be one of the "carbon bombs" that Bill McKibben talks about.
The lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people are already being affected and currently low-lying habitable parts of the world will almost certainly disappear from rising sea levels. Extreme weather-related disasters are increasing in frequency and severity. The Great Barrier Reef will be gone forever, as will other ecosystems and their diverse species. The resulting depths of suffering are unimaginable.
This is indeed a climate emergency, yet Australian governments - state and federal - remain in denial.
Instead, at ARRCC, we hold up a vision of renewable energy, the protection of ecosystems and sustainable lifestyles enabling a safe climate and fairness for all. Grounded in our various religious traditions, we envisage economies geared for human need rather than human greed, and respectful of planetary limits. This would mean more constrained lifestyles for the wealthy, including more use of public transport and reduced meat consumption; and it would mean decentralised, non-polluting, relatively inexpensive electricity for those currently facing energy poverty. It would also mean just, orderly transitions for communities affected by the shift away from coal mining.
As a nation, we have the resources to support regional communities who are being affected by our necessary transition away from mining. Already various towns such as the Hunter Valley have been through boom and bust. Instead of allowing such communities to be left flailing, there could be an orderly, planned transition so that these communities can be productive and flourishing into the future. In our vision for the future, just a fraction of the $1bn loan sought by Adani from the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility could produce more and more sustainable employment opportunities.

When what is legal is not what is moral
This struggle is beyond the political. It is a deeply moral one. Along with others working to address global warming, those of us who are inspired by our spiritual traditions see our elected decision-makers marching in lockstep with coal and other mining lobbies, and regard it as immoral.
Their obsession with coal and gas has set the nation travelling in entirely the wrong direction. Our emissions are rising. Our governments pronounce they are controlling our emissions, while at the same time doing all they can to facilitate fossil fuel extraction and frustrate the take-up of renewables. In every other sphere, leaders are issuing calls to move away from the mining, export and burning of fossil fuels. They are not only climate scientists, public health experts, religious leaders, farmers and many business leaders.
The distortion of the political moral compass has meant that police powers are being actively and increasingly used to prevent civil society from challenging extractive industries. State and federal governments are actively seeking ways to silence organisations who speak out for climate action, threatening their tax deductibility or charity status. Environmentalists are publicly belittled.
The law supports continued, unfettered fossil fuel exploration and extraction. It allows huge tax breaks and other forms of subsidy to flow to fossil fuel companies. It protects mining companies, sanctioning poor practices by under-regulation. Climate injustice is legitimised by spurious economic mantras.
Penalties for protesting in a number of states have been increased dramatically. Large scale police intervention was used near Bentley in the northern rivers district of NSW to protect the interests of coal seam gas mining company, Metgasco. Over the course of three years, several hundred people were arrested at Maules Creek by NSW police to protect Whitehaven Coal, which has incidentally been issued paltry fines for numerous breaches of the conditions of their mining license.
Across Australia, ordinary citizens who non-violently protest threats to farmlands, groundwater, old-growth forests and water catchments must face potential arrest by police who are being directed to protect profit-seeking companies.
Australia's legal and regulatory systems have become divorced from ethical value systems.

Elected leaders' alignment with Adani
The obsession with coal of our ruling elites has already led to the cynical alignment of both federal Labor and the Coalition with Adani, against the Wangan and Jagalingou people who are courageously defending their ancestral lands in central Queensland through the Courts. It has had the Queensland Palaszczuk government granting Adani relatively unlimited, long-term access to the state's precious artesian waters for a negligible cost. It now has the Townsville local council expecting taxpayers to foot the bill for an airstrip to be used by Adani, at a time when 140 of the council's own employees are being laid off.
It has both Queensland Labor and the federal Coalition in full support of Adani despite the exposure of Adani's corrupt practises, numerous well-researched submissions, visits from constituents, letter-writing campaigns, petitions and public polling results. Nothing appears to shake their commitment to Adani and the company's disingenuous promises of employment.
For the citizen who is morally opposed to the mine and desires to avoid all complicity with its establishment, civil resistance has become the only option left. As Quaker and civil resistance advocate, Jason MacLeod, has written:
"Asking whether individual and collective action is legal or illegal is, in my opinion the wrong question. Cooking the climate, trashing Traditional Owner rights, destroying the living wonder of the Great Barrier Reef, and poisoning our water are all legal. There is no intrinsic value in legality, especially when laws are divorced from ethical value systems. A better question, is what action will lead us into right relationship with one another and God's creation? What will take us closer to a just and sustainable peace? What individual and collective action clearly communicates 'no' to injustice while simultaneously saying 'yes' to dignity?"
The power of civil resistance
Civil resistance is clearly not the ethical person's first choice of strategy, given that laws are generally important for the protection of life and property. However, it has historically played a positive role in transforming societies where injustice appears to be irredeemably entrenched. Many successful social change movements have included civil resistance - the overthrow of communism in Poland, Ceausescu in Romania, apartheid in South Africa, British rule in India, to name a few.
Civil resistance is not the same as individual acts of civil disobedience. It works by mobilising large numbers of people who maintain nonviolent discipline, and act in strategic concert over time to withdraw their consent and cooperation from unjust rulers or systems. It is also known as people power, nonviolence, nonviolent action, and nonviolent resistance.
Nonviolent resistance serves to draw public attention to a form of violence or injustice, and to delegitimise it by juxtaposing it with nonviolence. The belief of those who practice nonviolence is that voluntary suffering can educate and transform the public's helpless acquiescence to an ongoing injustice.
The Board of the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change believes that, in our own society today, people of goodwill are facing various injustices which have become entrenched. One of these is the close connection our elected representatives have with fossil fuel industries, especially coal. As a faith-based organisation, we should do what is morally needed in the situation. While adhering to principles of nonviolence, including the love of our enemies, we believe it is ethical to organise civil resistance actions against those forces which threaten all that we love.
The world is now in a climate emergency, and this requires a response which is purely ethically informed and courageous, rather than cautious and self-protective. To refrain from doing all we can to oppose Adani and other fossil fuel extraction companies is to hold back from full solidarity with the Wangan and Jagalingou, with coming generations and with all those currently suffering because of climate disruption.
Some believe this to be extreme. In our view, it is being truly conservative to act according to our traditional values with the goal of conserving this sacred earth. We believe that in our context today, it is part of our mission as people of faith to include civil resistance in the suite of options we offer faith communities as they respond to the climate challenge.
Some other parts of the environment movement are also moving in this direction. What ARRCC hopes to add is the legitimation which comes from our historical connections with long religious traditions, our beliefs and values which are grounded in scriptures and spiritual practices.
Nonviolence is at the heart of all the major faiths. For example, the Israelite prophets warned the people and their rulers, at the risk of losing liberty or life. The Christian tradition has a well-grounded theology around the power of redemptive suffering and self-sacrifice for the good of others. The Buddhist tradition has for thousands of years aspired to loving-kindness towards all beings. This includes people with whom we disagree, people who are doing wrong and other sentient beings which also deserve our respect.
From the Hindu tradition, Mohandas Gandhi taught his followers in the Indian Independence movement Satyagraha, which informed other liberation movements such as the U.S. Civil Rights movement. In Gandhi's own words, it means "the Force which is born of Truth and Love or non-violence." It aims not to coerce an opponent, but to convert the wrongdoer in order to achieve true cooperation.
ARRCC will continue to take all legal options open to us to convince our leaders to act for climate justice. However, henceforward if and where necessary, ARRCC will not stand back from civil resistance in the spirit of Satyagraha.
Always with compassion. Always peaceful. Always respectful. We will stand up for climate justice if and when necessary. We will seek to win open dialogue. We will seek consensus. Always in love.

*Thea Ormerod is the President of the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change.


A Fresh Start For Climate Change Mitigation In New Zealand

The Conversation

New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, seen here with Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during this month’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting, has moved climate change onto the new government’s priority list. Mick Tsikas/AAP
The election of the sixth Labour-led government heralds a new direction for climate change policy in New Zealand.
As part of the new government’s 100-day priority plan, it pledged to set a target of carbon neutrality by 2050 and to establish the mechanisms to phase out fossil fuels. In doing so, New Zealand will join a small group of countries that have established this goal since last year: France, Germany, Sweden (by 2045) and Norway (by 2030).

From commitment to action
The government plans to set up an independent climate commission, likely based on the one established in the UK with nearly unanimous parliamentary support in 2008. UK emissions are down not just to 1990 levels, but to 1900 levels.
The climate commission’s tasks will include providing advice on effective pricing mechanisms for climate pollution, on the transition to 100% renewable electricity by 2035, and on bringing agriculture into the NZ Emissions Trading Scheme.
All parties to the Paris Agreement have already agreed to become carbon-neutral in the second half of this century. The snag is turning that commitment into action.

A story of good intentions
It is now 20 years since New Zealand first signed the Kyoto Protocol – two decades of fine words and twists and turns in policy while emissions continued to rise. Surprisingly, while Australia has followed a twisty path of its own, perhaps with not so many fine words, the effect has been the same: gross greenhouse gas emissions have risen 24% in New Zealand since 1990, compared to a rise of 27% in Australia.
New Zealanders built a lot of gas-fuelled power stations in the 1990s and bought a lot of cars in the 2000s. Astoundingly, we now have more cars per capita than Australia.

The frustrating story is told in the documentary Hot Air. New Zealand spent ten years getting a strategy in place, ending up with an emissions trading scheme (ETS). Another decade of tinkering later, the scheme involves a complex system of discounts, free allocations, exemptions and, crucially, unlimited access to international emissions units.
After 2012, New Zealand companies used this access to buy large numbers of low-integrity units from the Ukraine, enough to officially cover a quarter of all our emissions. The price of carbon, currently NZ$19, adds about 4c per litre to the price of petrol, and about 1c per kilowatt-hour to gas-powered electricity. So far, New Zealand’s ETS – like others worldwide – has not delivered.
New Zealand’s state-owned mining company, Solid Energy, was pushed into some risky deals and ultimately into managed bankruptcy. The remaining assets have been sold to Bathurst Resources. Chief executive Richard Tacon said recently:
… there is no viable alternative to coal. I mean we realise it’s a transition fuel, but there’s a lot of business, dairy … that rely on coal to be a reliable, storable source of energy.
Has even an Australian coal baron ever called coal a “transition fuel”? But then again perhaps Tacon has a point: the dairy company Fonterra burns more than half of all New Zealand’s coal, and the dairy industry as a whole emits 2.2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year burning coal to dry milk.

Civil society perseveres
Against this background, climate activists have had a hard row to hoe. Law student Sarah Thomson took the government to court in July 2017 over its inaction on climate change. In a victory for both sides, the judge ruled that the government should have reviewed its 2050 target, but declined to order a judicial review because the government had since changed.
The youth climate group Generation Zero campaigned for a Zero Carbon Act. The former parliamentary commissioner for the environment, Jan Wright, called for a UK-style Climate Change Act. Thirty-nine mayors pressed the government to take stronger action.
Data from a 20-year longitudinal study of social attitudes in New Zealand show increasing agreement with climate change.
A third review of the ETS removed a 50% discount, with further strengthening scheduled. The Environment Ministry was asked to advise specifically on domestic emissions reductions. The Productivity Commission, a government think tank, was asked to report on a low-emission economy.
However, during the election campaign, climate change was not a major issue, and official projections showed a continued rise in emissions. Under current policy settings, net emissions will rise a further 58% by 2030.

Aiming for carbon neutrality
That brings the story to New Zealand First’s decision to choose a Labour-led government, with the Green Party in a confidence and supply arrangement. The Greens now have five ministers, including co-leader James Shaw as minister for climate change. Labour, having first introduced the ETS in 2008, will now amend it to try to make it work.
Already, since the election, Fonterra has announced a commitment to cut processing emissions (mostly due to coal, but also natural gas and transport) by 30% by 2030, matching the national target, and 100% by 2050.
Carbon neutrality calls for, among other things, a complete stop to burning fossil fuels and to buying products that burn them, such as petrol cars. The year 2050 is not that far away.
In truth, by 2050 anything might happen: organic solar cells might become as cheap as newsprint, unleashing economic growth and making “sunlight-to-liquid fuels” economic – or not. Positive carbon feedbacks from the oceans, forests and Arctic methane might overwhelm our mitigation efforts. Climate sensitivity might surprise us on the high or low side.
We can’t say what parts of the natural world will survive climate change and the attempted sustainability transition. But New Zealand is taking a step in the right direction.


'History In The Making': Tesla Switches On World's Largest Battery In SA

Fairfax - Cole Latimer

The world's largest lithium-ion battery has officially launched on Friday in South Australia.
South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill  and Neoen deputy chief executive Romain Desrousseaux flipped the switch on the Tesla-made battery storage installation, stating that "this is history in the making".

Tesla's mega battery turned on
The world's largest lithium-ion battery launches in South Australia on Friday, December 1.

"South Australia is now leading the world in dispatchable renewable energy, delivered to homes and businesses 24/7," Mr Weatherill said.
The 100-megawatt battery system provides 129-megawatt hours of energy, reduces intermittency issues, and manages increased demand during summer peak loading periods, potentially providing enough energy to power 30,000 homes for eight hours, or 60,000 homes for four hours.
It is paired with French energy firm Neoen's Hornsdale wind farm, located near Jamestown, about 200 kilometres north of Adelaide.
Tesla billionaire Elon Musk was not in attendance at the switch-on.
Mr Desrousseaux said the launch is a major achievement in Australia's energy landscape.
"Neoen is pleased to be able to reinforce its Australian footprint through the achievement of the Hornsdale Wind Farm & Battery and is extremely proud to contribute further to the development of renewable energy in Australia," Mr Desrousseaux said.
SA Premier Jay Weatherill during the launch of Tesla's 100 megawatt lithium-ion battery at Jamestown. Photo: AAP
Tesla said this battery will support the state and provide increased security for summer, helping South Australia meet heavy demand.
"The South Australian government should be congratulated for ensuring their energy supply is not only sustainable, but will help solve power shortages, reduce variability, and manage summertime peak load," a Tesla spokesman said.
Tesla Powerpacks used to form the mega battery.. Photo: Carla Gottgens
Praveen Kathpal, vice president of rival battery technology firm AES Energy and chairman of the Energy Storage Association in the US, said the state should be celebrated for its actions.
"We commend the state government for not just being forward thinking, but forward acting," Mr Kathpal told Fairfax Media.
He said the technology is moving to the stage where it is becoming a more mainstream tool for the energy sector.
"Battery storage creates a much more resilient system as you can respond to a crisis in a much quicker way," he said.
The battery had its first real test a day earlier, providing 59 megawatts of power into South Australia's grid in order to meet Thursday's peak demand period.
While the future baseload contract prices are significantly higher for South Australia, reaching nearly $173.25 per megawatt hour in the March 2018 despite the battery's installation, AEMO stated this is due to upcoming heatwaves set to hit the region, driving up prices for the quarter.
The new battery comes as the Australian Energy Market Operator forecasts a Lack Of Reserve 1 for South Australia due to the hotter than expected November.
This means AEMO has indicated power generators in South Australia's market should generate more to provide a buffer for increased energy demand ahead.
"This scenario is exactly what AEMO has planned for in our summer readiness plan," AEMO Chief Executive Officer Audrey Zibelman said.
"As widely reported over the last two days, AEMO has procured generation and demand response reserves that can be activated if the need arises," Ms Zibelman said.
As part of its wider energy storage push, South Australia has also green lit more than $8 million in support of four new projects through the Renewable Technology Fund.
These include two major solar and battery storage projects, a thermal storage that holds heat generated from waste water, and a hydrogen production project.
"We are seeing major international businesses like Tesla and SolarReserve investing in South Australia because we have world-class renewable energy resources," South Australian Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis said.
"The Renewable Technology Fund is harnesses this momentum so we can drive new projects and establish South Australia as a global hub for the storage of renewable energy."
