
Should Climate Change Be Called Murder? What Do You Call Knowingly Killing People?

Washington PostTom Toles

Tom Toles
This seems like as good a time as any to shift the climate argument from the debate club to criminal court, and former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger intends to do just that.
“I don’t think there’s any difference: If you walk into a room and you know you’re going to kill someone, it’s first-degree murder; I think it’s the same thing with the oil companies.”
Murder. Yes, it’s about time somebody started to use language that captures the actual effect of deliberately delaying the transition to carbon-free fuel. Will people really die as a result of climate change?
They already have, from the amplification of the power of storms, to more intense drought, wildfires and flooding.
The World Health Organization estimates that between 2030 and 2050, 250,000 people will die from climate change. EVERY YEAR. From malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea and heat stress.
Of course, right now we’re living in a world where our current president can refute such concerns with the reasoned response of “FAKE NEWS!”
 Trump diddles while home burns. And the U.S. government has become a full orchestra of fellow diddlers, and everyone is afraid to yell fire in the crowded theater, which is actually ablaze.
Environmental Protection Agency Director Scott Pruitt, who is conducting this gruesome symphony of suicide, doesn’t believe in climate science.
But then he doesn’t believe in evolution either. And why should he? He is behaving like a sheep, and when he looks around at others in his party, all he sees is more sheep. And they are all ambling off together to the slaughter, and trying to lead the rest of us there as well.
If the rest of us humans don’t stand up and stop them, maybe Schwarzenegger should change his lawsuit to First-Degree Slaughter.


New Climate Change Lawsuit In Colombia Part Of Growing, Worldwide Trend

OpenGlobalRightsCamila Bustos*

A new lawsuit in Colombia involving young plaintiffs seeks to protect their rights to life and health by preventing deforestation and holding the government accountable to its climate action pledges.
The group of plaintiffs beside the Director of Dejusticia César Rodríguez. Dejusticia
Climate change threatens the fulfillment of human rights around the world and we are not doing nearly enough to stop it. The slow progress of global climate negotiations, and the failure of governments to advance their plans to tackle emissions and adapt to a warming world, have led climate advocates to turn to a new strategy – climate litigation.
According to a UN Environment Programme report, as of March 2017, there were 654 climate lawsuits filed in the United States and 230 other cases in the rest of the world. While most of these cases are concentrated in the global North, there have also been climate change lawsuits in countries such as IndiaSouth Africa, the Philippines and Pakistan.
Indeed, climate litigation has become a global trend as advocates push for action on climate change through the courts. In most cases, plaintiffs are suing governments for failing to comply with their climate-related goals, for not adopting ambitious emissions mitigation policies, or for approving particular projects that contribute to climate change.
According to Australian lawyer Sophie Marjanac, the prospects of these kinds of lawsuits is improving because of two factors. First, there is an increasing number of governments that have made specific commitments on climate action, allowing them to be held accountable to those targets. And second, climate science is improving which means it is becoming easier to attribute specific harms (e.g. extreme weather) to climate change, thus bolstering arguments for liability.
According to a UN Environment Programme report, as of March 2017, there were 654 climate lawsuits filed in the United States and 230 other cases in the rest of the world.
Inspired by this wave of recent lawsuits, a Colombian NGO, Dejusticia, decided to support a legal action to tackle climate change and its devastating impacts on Colombia. The organization has a history of using strategic litigation as a way to highlight key national issues and to have a broader social impact.
This type of legal action has the potential of reaching the Constitutional Court, which in turn can hold accountable other branches of government for failing to guarantee Constitutional principles and fundamental rights. Such litigation can also stir public debate, and its effects may go beyond those of the case itself.
The case was launched by 25 young Colombians; they are suing the national government for failing to curb deforestation in Colombia’s Amazon region. Today, cattle ranching, the expansion of agriculture, and mining are driving the destruction of the Amazon forest in Colombia. The most recent data shows that the national deforestation rate increased by 44% in 2016. This is equal to 178,597 acres of forest loss, of which 39% was concentrated in the Amazon region.
The plaintiffs are arguing that deforestation is violating their constitutional right to a healthy environment, which in turn threatens their rights to life, water, food, and health. The case is launched by youth because as the future generation it is they who will have to face the impacts of climate change and deforestation. They come from 17 different municipalities in the country, which are most threatened as a result of climate change.
The plaintiffs include Yurshell Yanishey Rodríguez, a 23-year old environmental engineering student from the island of Providencia, the region in the country that is most at risk from climate change. By 2070, the temperature in the area will increase by 1.4° C and the rain volume will decrease by 32%.
Over a thousand kilometers away, another of the plaintiffs, Pablo Cavanzo Piñeros, a 13-year-old boy, lives in Bogota, where according to official projections, there will be an increase in temperature of 1.6°C by the year 2070.
There is an intrinsic connection between the Colombian Amazon and the water cycle that supplies the rest of the nation; deforesting one area could have a significant impact thousands of kilometers away.
The lawsuit demands that the government backs its international rhetoric on deforestation with concrete and effective actions on the ground. Not only is the destruction of forests the greatest source behind Colombia’s greenhouse gas emissions, but also a threat to local ecosystems and the populations that depend on them for their livelihoods.
The plaintiffs also demand that the government creates an inter-generational agreement on climate change – taking into account impacts on future generations – and outlining the measures that the government will adopt to reduce deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions. Further, the lawsuit asks that this document will also include the adaptation and mitigation strategies each vulnerable municipality in the country will implement.
The plaintiffs believe that a court ruling in their favor will not be an exception, but part of a broader trend whereby advocates seek justice through climate change litigation. For example, in the Urgenda v. The Netherlands case, the Hague District Court found that the Netherlands government was not doing enough to meet its climate mitigation goals to avert the imminent danger of climate change.
The climate movement is evolving and, as it increases pressure on governments to act on climate change, it diversifies its toolkit and strategies to demand social change. Litigation is clearly one strategy worth pursuing.

*Camila Bustos is a researcher at Dejusticia, in Colombia. She is also a plaintiff in the lawsuit launched by Dejusticia to demand government action on climate change.


Commentary: Climate Change Needs Better Storytelling To Address Severe Threats

Channel NewsAsia*

The World Economic Forum says extreme weather events are the most likely and most severe threat facing humanity in 2018 yet climate change doesn’t get the attention it needs, says one expert from the Earth Observatory of Singapore.
Singapore experienced flash floods, hailstones, strong winds and a cool spell in January 2018. (Photo: Alex Lo, Facebook / Michael Wong)
SINGAPORE: The story about climate change arguably got its first big public hit more than ten years ago with Al Gore’s documentary about global warming An Inconvenient Truth.
But maintaining public attention and keeping the heat on climate change action have been tough.
People are hungry for news about the risk of climate change but boring, technical jargon is alienating them, said the United Nations top environment official Erik Solheim in December 2017.
People need to be excited and inspired to take action and change their behaviour, he added.
Yet “the language of environmentalists has been boring, so uninspiring ... If we just speak a technical language, with many acronyms and politically-correct phrases, no one will listen,” he said in an interview during a Bonn conference on landscapes.
Perhaps the consequences of human-driven climate change seem abstract, technical or too far away in the future.
Do these in turn cause readers to look at climate change news, shrug and then move on to other stories?
There’s a strong case to be made about the importance of communicating the priority we need to place on climate change.
Recent extreme weather pattern are giving us a glimpse into the catastrophe we might find ourselves in if we fail to act.
A woman pushing her car which stalled in a flood at Bedok North on Monday morning (Jan 8), after a heavy downpour over many parts of Singapore. (Photo: Twitter/SynCPositive) 
Extreme weather in early January
The start of 2018 has been marked by extreme weather with widespread impact on public safety, transport, energy and health around the world.
A major winter storm hit the United States Atlantic coast in early January, battering coastal areas with heavy snow, blizzards and strong winds and a drop in temperatures.
Boston suffered coastal flooding after it saw the highest ever recorded tide since 1921.
Flash flooding and deadly mudslides took place in southern California because of intense rain, in areas where protective vegetation have been destroyed by devastating wildfires in late 2017.
In Asia, central and eastern China saw heavy rain and snow in Shaanxi, Henan, Hubei, Anhui and Jiangsu provinces in early January, with monthly maximum rainfall levels broken in 92 counties.
In the southern hemisphere, Cape Town is running out of water, because reliable winter rains have vanished — a phenomenon one meteorologist calls a once-in-628-years weather event. 
If the rains do not materialise and consumption does not fall in Cape Town, people will be forced to use standpipes, officials say. (Photo: AFP/Rodger Bosch)
Australia was gripped by intense heat, with the weather station in Sydney reaching 47.3°C on Jan 7, the hottest in 80 years.
Flash floods, strong winds and hailstones in Singapore coupled with a bout of freakish cool weather, the longest cold spell experienced here in at least a decade showed we were not immune.

Global warming a key culprit
These extreme weather events were both signals of a dangerous, human-made shift in Earth’s climate as much as they were a natural stretch of bad luck.
Monsoon surges that bring cool weather partially explains what transpired in Singapore.
Natural climate cycles, especially the interplay between upper atmospheric conditions over polar regions and mid-latitude conditions over the oceans and on land, were primary forces driving the extreme weather globally.
But natural cycles by themselves don’t explain the recent number of record-breaking extreme weather events.
The reality is that the forces undergirding is global warming – and it’s all coming to a head.
NASA's Terra satellite captured this visible light image of Tropical Cyclone Berguitta moving toward Mauritius. (Photo: NASA)
Hotter, with rising sea levels
The Earth is getting warmer, with significantly more moisture in the atmosphere. Decades of data show that a long-term build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is trapping heat and warming up lands, oceans, and the atmosphere.
17 of the 18 warmest years in the 136-year global temperature record all have occurred since 2001, with the exception of 1998.
The year 2016 ranks as the warmest on record globally and here in Singapore, which had a mean annual temperature of 28.4°C.
2016 was an El Niño year, and mainland Southeast Asia encountered its warmest monthly mean surface air temperatures in April 2016 since record-keeping began.
Apart from surpassing national temperature records in mainland Southeast Asia, this event disrupted crop production, imposed societal distress and resulted in peak energy consumption.
Battered by massive cyclones, El Nino-fuelled drought and swollen king tides, fragile Pacific island nations were one of the hardest hit countries in 2016. (Photo: AFP/Giff Johnson)
El Niño might have exacerbated the situation, but the temperatures would never have happened without the human-made shift in Earth’s climate.
Some models have predicted that the warming of the Earth’s climate could increase the average strength of hurricanes and typhoons.
Scientists are confident that rising sea levels are leading to higher storm surges and more floods - and the mean sea level in the Strait of Singapore has increased at the rate of 1.2mm to 1.7mm each year in the period 1975 to 2009.
By the end of the century, the average world temperature could increase by 5 °C, depending in part on how much carbon we emit between now and then.
The latest climate models concluded with high confidence that with continued warming projected for the rest of this century, Singapore and other countries in Southeast Asia will experience more frequent, record-breaking hot Aprils, just like the extreme weather event of 2016.
Workers in outdoor environments including those in construction and shipping are particularly at risk from heat-related health issues. (File photo: Ngau Kai Yan)
Most likely and most severe threat
The Global Risks Report 2018 of the World Economic Forum (WEF) states that extreme weather events are the most likely and most severe threat facing humanity in 2018 – because scientists expect the frequency of extreme weather events to increase substantially.
The trend towards more frequent extreme weather events only underscores how important it is that we enhance our ability to predict and manage them. So what can we do?
The solution has been clear for more than two decades: Governments must take aggressive action to curb greenhouse gas emissions. The extreme weather lends greater urgency to climate change initiatives like those under the Paris Agreement.
An essential key to meeting the challenge of extreme weather is critical environmental intelligence. 
Just like the intelligence of the security world, intelligence in the environmental arena combines data, analysis, modelling, and assessment.
The smart approach to extreme weather is to attack all the risk factors, by designing crops that can survive drought, buildings that can resist floods and high winds, policies that discourage people from building in dangerous places - and of course, by shifting our economy to greener energy sources and reducing our greenhouse-gas emissions.
The Paris Agreement commits signatories to efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming, which is blamed for melting ice caps and glaciers, rising sea levels and more violent weather events. (Photo: AFP)
Singapore has taken steps to reduce the impact of extreme weather events by improving drainage to reduce flood-prone areas, developing weather-proof technologies, and cooling the island by growing urban green spaces such as rooftop gardens.
Where climate change poses a real danger, we cannot take the attitude that it’s someone else’s job to sort out. 
Indeed, the biggest challenge we must guard against in this battle against climate change is people tuning out to the message about global warming.
Erik Solheim mentioned this when he said:
For this to happen, we have to speak in a different language that is simpler and breaks down the science to explain to people what climate change really means for them, in their daily lives, here and now.
As individuals, we should seize everyday opportunities to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. We can recycle, reuse and reduce. Whenever we can, we should use public transport and walk.
Quite literally, small steps can lead to large-scale change when we, citizens of the earth, act together.

*Professor Benjamin P Horton is principal investigator at the Earth Observatory of Singapore at Nanyang Technological University.
