
It’s Important To Keep Talking About Climate Change Now


Is it tone-deaf to talk about climate right now? Or is this an opportunity to tackle major global problems in tandem?

Photo: Li-An Lim/Unsplash
On Tuesday I woke up to an email in my inbox: “We’re thrilled to hear you’ve signed up for Sunrise School’s Green New Deal & Coronavirus crash course!”

While stress-scrolling through the internet the day before, looking for signs of hope amid the pandemic news, I’d registered for Sunrise Movement’s webinar series about the overlap between climate organizing and the novel coronavirus. The youth-led group is known for organizing climate actions in the U.S. in solidarity with Greta Thunberg’s international strikes; but when the pandemic struck, it pivoted to address the burgeoning global health crisis.

“Right now, health is the top priority for all people, with no exceptions,” says Sunrise spokesperson Naina Agrawal-Hardin. Climate strikes and events have moved online, due to the risk of gathering in large crowds. In late February, the group’s organizers began to realize how disruptive the virus could be and shifted to a broader vision of public health: both the current viral disaster and the long-term threat of climate change.

In the midst of a pandemic with an immediate and visible toll on human life and the economy, other ongoing crises have fallen lower on the public’s radar. But environmentalists are finding ways to keep climate change relevant by advocating loudly for an agenda that protects people as well as the planet.

The Sunrise School webinar that I joined is just one small example of ongoing activism. Global climate strikes and rallies are now being held online. Last week, as Congress debated a historic economic-stimulus package, Sunrise, along with 500 other organizations, like Greenpeace and the Indigenous Environmental Network, put forth the People’s Bailout, an economic plan for addressing the fallout from COVID-19.

Another coalition of prominent environmental leaders signed a Green Stimulus proposal, designed to tackle climate change and economic disruptions from the novel coronavirus in tandem. Now that a $2 trillion rescue bill has become law, activists are fighting to ensure sustainability is included in additional aid packages that the country is likely to require as the economy adjusts to the ongoing pandemic.

“We didn’t want to come out last week and be like, ‘Climate is an issue!’ when people are terrified about their jobs and parents,” says Samantha Killgore, a spokesperson for the environmental-advocacy group Protect Our Winters. Before the pandemic took hold, POW was centering advocacy on the 2020 election. It has since dialed back campaign messaging and canceled in-person events but is still fighting hard for the planet. “Our community overwhelmingly said, ‘We want you to keep doing it. We need the goal, we need something to be focused on,’” Killgore adds.

A consensus seems to be emerging from environmental groups that climate change and coronavirus are both massive global problems that may require similar strategies to solve. Each requires a combination of individual action and sweeping, potentially unpopular political policies. Both bleed across political and social boundaries but affect the most vulnerable populations (even if the vulnerable are usually not the ones spewing carbon into the atmosphere or partying close together in Miami Beach). Both will progress too far to effectively contain if we wait until we can see the impact of the crisis, but it’s hard to convince people to change if they can’t see the results. Both are growing exponentially, overwhelming the systems we rely on to sustain our daily lives. In the case of each crisis, we knew in advance that things could become apocalyptically bad.

Coronavirus has made it sharply clear that ignoring science can be deadly, and that placing responsibility for widespread crises on individual choice instead of government negligence can stall any realistic solutions. Those are lessons that environmental groups have tried to hammer home for years. For activists and journalists in the climate-change space, the pandemic exposes or exacerbates existing problems. “Coronavirus is raising questions about everything from global carbon emissions to ecosystem restoration to corporate bailouts to how we treat each other” is how climate journalist Emily Atkin put it in a recent issue of her newsletter, Heated. The question is how to move forward.

As Elizabeth Sawin, codirector of the think tank Climate Interactive, told Yale360, tackling our biggest problems together may be more effective than trying to take them on one by one. There is not yet a clear map for dealing with either crisis, but it’s obvious that sustaining our energy and activism for the long haul will require a multipronged approach, especially now that we’re having to reconfigure to socially distant life 

The U.S. Youth Climate Strike Coalition canceled in-person Earth Day protests but is encouraging advocates to rally online that day to show solidarity and keep pressure on politicians. When I logged on to my Sunrise webinar last week, the first two topics of our lessons were “militant optimism” and “how to answer tough questions,” evidence that any kind of long-term activism takes social resilience, and grassroots messaging, along with political action.

But right now, government leadership is paramount. To push policy in an ecologically and environmentally positive direction, as the federal government works through a series of stimulus packages, activists have outlined green stimulus plans that align our health care systems and the economy with environmental goals. Those plans combine the government’s main priorities—namely, saving lives and keeping the economy from collapsing—with goals that climate and social-justice advocates are gunning for.

The Green Stimulus, signed by leaders like Bill McKibben and Gina McCarthy, proposes clean-energy investments, tax credits for sustainable businesses, and shoring up housing, public-land, and resource access. It’s not the only policy suggestion around; in addition to the People’s Bailout, the Natural Resources Defense Council sent recommendations to Congress on March 20.

“We’re already seeing bailouts that prioritize fossil-fuel CEOs when we need to be bailing out small businesses and [communities],” says Sunrise Movement’s Agrawal-Hardin. “We have to be prioritizing people over profit or polluters.” She says the bailouts in the $2 trillion rescue bill, which the president signed into law on Friday, are skewed toward large corporations and faltering, carbon-intensive industries—$25 billion for the airline industry, for example, without any emission-reduction caveats.

Neither party was particularly happy with the parts of the bill that dealt with the environment: the final version did not include $3 billion for the strategic petroleum reserve the president had asked for, for instance, but it also didn’t include tax credits for renewables, which Democratic lawmakers wanted. But environmental groups see this stimulus package as a starting point—and they plan to advocate for increased short-term relief for struggling individuals, as well as long-term investment in systems like healthy agriculture, clean public transit, and carbon-neutral energy infrastructure in future bills.

And for the most part, many Americans want to see equitable climate-change goals become policy. The group Data for Progress recently reported that voters support a Green New Deal, even in the midst of the outbreak. Lots of things that outdoorspeople love, including national parks, historic trails, and public beaches, were first protected by Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal. Maybe the pandemic we’re living through is another historic opportunity for Americans to go back to work in a way that prioritizes the public good—and, by extension, the outdoors.

There will be more government stimulus in the coming months. But environmentalists have to be loud and advocate for what we value forcefully—because big businesses, like airlines and the oil industry, haven’t been shy about asking for money. As Rhode Island’s Democratic junior senator Sheldon Whitehouse recently said to the writer and activist Bill McKibben: “I fear that enviros don’t know how to ask, because, so far in this scrum, we haven’t heard much from them.”

That’s why I don’t think it’s tone-deaf, insensitive, or irrational to keep talking about climate change as we continue to confront the novel coronavirus. As a society, we need to learn to invest in long-term solutions before the consequences of our lack of foresight are right on our doorstep. As we do, we may find ourselves fighting against collective fear, instability, and the desire to revert back to a pre-pandemic status quo. But by not silencing ourselves in this moment, we might just bring about lasting, positive change.

“One of the things we always run up against is the belief that things can’t change that quickly,” says Protect Our Winters’ Killgore. “In the past, policy makers have said, ‘If we need to move away from the fossil-fuel economy in ten years, that’s not possible.’ But look at what we’ve done in the last three weeks.”


Climate Disasters Seen Increasing Conflict Risk In Large Countries

ReutersThin Lei Win

Extreme weather bring greater risk of conflict in underdeveloped countries with large populations and ethnic tensions
Mauritanian gendarmes patrol a desert area near Mbera refugee camp, about 40 km (25 m) from the border with Mali, May 24 2012. REUTERS/Joe Penney
ROME - Countries with large populations and low levels of development are most likely to see a rise in the risk of armed conflict after extreme weather events, according to a new study that researchers said underscored the need to boost their resilience.

Almost one in three conflicts in large countries with ethnic tensions and low levels of development over the last 25 years broke out within seven days of such a disaster, said scientists from Germany, Sweden and Australia.

Even small-scale disasters can increase the risk of conflict in vulnerable places, according to the research paper, published in the journal Global Environmental Change this week.

They cited Mali, where the militant group Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb exploited a weak state and people's desperation after a severe drought in 2009 to recruit fighters to expand its area of operation.

Co-author Jonathan Donges said it was the first time scientists had conducted such a broad study of conflicts preceded by climate disaster, combining statistical analysis, observation data and regional case study assessments.

"Based on this case analysis, we are able to show that in many of the identified disaster-conflict events, the climate disaster is likely to have causally contributed to increasing the risk for the conflict outbreak," he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Donges, a researcher with the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, said the research showed the link was much stronger in countries with large populations, ethnic exclusion and low levels of development.

"The results described above suggest that aid aiming at fostering human development and building more inclusive societies can help increase the resilience of countries to the risks of climate conflicts to arise," he added.

Researchers have long warned that climate change is likely to increase the frequency and intensity of disasters, with some fearing a vicious cycle - disasters fuelling conflicts that in turn make populations more vulnerable to disasters.

A 2019 study led by Stanford University said a 4-degree Celsius (7.2-degree F) increase in global temperatures - a possible scenario as greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise - could dramatically increase the risk of armed conflict.

Already, poor, vulnerable communities around the world are struggling to cope with weather extremes brought about by climate change and the spread of the deadly coronavirus pandemic.


(NZ) Climate Change: We're Borrowing From Our Children, So Let's Make It Count

Stuff - James Every-Palmer

Dr James Every-Palmer QC is part of Lawyers for Climate Action NZ, a group of more than 250 lawyers advocating for legislation and policies to ensure New Zealand meets or exceeds its commitment under the Paris Agreement and achieves net zero carbon emissions as soon as possible and no later than 2050.
He is calling for government to revive the economy by investing in sustainable infrastructure.
When we exit from level 4 lockdown, a tremendous fiscal stimulus package will be required to revive the economy. All in all, tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars will be spent keeping businesses afloat and jobs open so that we can return to a semblance of normality as quickly as possible.

This economic survival package will create a massive debt to be repaid in the decades to come. The way that it is spent will shape our economy and society for generations. As it will be the next generation of taxpayers that faces the greatest share of this burden, it would be a deep and tragic irony if this spending compounds the other global crisis we face, the climate crisis.

But with the pandemic crisis comes climate opportunity. Our fiscal response to Covid-19 represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to move our economy onto a path towards a zero-carbon and environmentally sustainable future.

Progress in tackling the looming climate change crisis has felt painfully slow. We need urgent systemic changes to transport infrastructure, energy production and incentives for land use in order to limit global warming to 1.5°C and avoid the worst impacts of climate change. A slow response causes additional and avoidable suffering tomorrow.

What is global warming?
Greenhouse gas emissions have hit record highs in recent years, though the Covid-19 outbreak will – at least temporarily – slow this trend.

Across the globe, government responses to the pandemic shows that we can mobilise in the face of a global emergency. When the scale and consequences of the pandemic were appreciated, governments shut down borders, enforced social distancing and created new forms of fiscal support overnight.  

These actions remind us that the state's primary responsibility is to protect its citizens, and that when radical action is required the government should not defer or delay.  In responding to both the Covid-19 emergency and the climate crisis, clear leadership and decisive action from the government are vital.

As well as infrastructure investment and creating the right price signals to decarbonise, this includes explaining what individual actions are required and why, so that citizens are informed and empowered to be part of the solution, rather than patronised and subordinated.

We are today living in a re-wired world that we could not have imagined a month ago. We have glimpsed a future of telecommuting, roads as pedestrian thoroughfares and reduced pollution.

Let this give us the confidence and courage to change our travel preferences, diets and consumption patterns, and to demand a fiscal response to Covid-19 that supports the infrastructure to allow us to thrive within a sustainable environment.

The government could use the economic stimulus to build a sustainable transport network and promote electric vehicles.

The economic stimulus can form a cornerstone of our response to climate change if it is used strategically to:
  • build a sustainable transport network that prioritises rail, light rail, cycling, walking and public transport over petrol and diesel cars and trucks;
  • support electric transport options;
  • improve the energy efficiency of our homes;
  • improve the sustainability of our agriculture sector; and
  • restore essential natural resources: our forests, rivers, lakes, wetlands and coastal waters.
The Government has acted swiftly in relation to wage subsidies, mortgage deferrals, winter energy payments, rent freezes, changes to the Companies Act and business loan guarantees. Budget 2020 is due in just over a month's time, and is the perfect opportunity to signal that we will rebuild from Covid-19 through a climate-friendly stimulus package.

We have asked our children to stay at home even though the evidence is that they would be relatively untroubled by Covid-19 themselves. We will soon borrow from their future incomes to kickstart the economy.

If we are asking this from them, then there must be a duty to make the most of this unique opportunity to reset our economy and protect the environment that they will inherit.
