
(AU The Conversation) Australian Forests Will Store Less Carbon As Climate Change Worsens And Severe Fires Become More Common

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Severely burned forest following the devastating fire season of 2019 and 2020. T Fairman

  •  is Future Fire Risk Analyst, The University of Melbourne
  •  is Associate Professor - Forest and Landscape Dynamics, The University of Melbourne
  •  is Associate Professor - Ecosystem Sciences and Forest Carbon, The University of Melbourne
Eucalypt forests are well known for bouncing back after fire, and the green shoots that emerge from eucalypts stems as they begin their first steps to recovery provide some of the most iconic images of the Australian bush.

Resprouting allows trees to survive and quickly start photosynthesising again, which keeps carbon “alive” and stored in the tree.

On the other hand, if a tree dies and slowly rots, the carbon stored in the tree is released into the atmosphere as a source of greenhouse gas emissions.

But our new research finds more frequent, severe bushfires and a hotter, drier climate may limit eucalypt forests’ ability to resprout and reliably lock up carbon. This could seriously undermine our efforts to mitigate climate change.

Our findings paint a cautionary tale of a little known challenge posed by climate change, and gives us yet another reason to urgently and drastically cut global emissions.

Eucalypt forest recovery up to four years after severe bushfire north of Heyfield. T Fairman

We need forests to fight climate change

At the international climate summit in Glasgow last month, more than 100 nations pledged to end and reverse deforestation. This put a much-needed spotlight on the importance of the world’s forests in storing carbon to mitigate climate change.

Victoria’s national parks alone store almost 1 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. For perspective, that’s roughly a decade’s worth of Victoria’s net CO₂ emissions in 2019 (91.3 million tonnes).

Australia’s forests have forged a tight relationship with bushfire. But climate change is already changing – and will continue to change – the size, severity and frequency of bushfires. In Victoria, for example, over 250,000 hectares have been burned by at least two severe fires in just 20 years.

This unprecendented frequency has led to the decline of fire sensitive forests, such as the iconic alpine ash.

Extensive wildfires that have burned in Victoria between 2000 and 2020 have overlapped, resulting in large areas of forest being burned by multiple severe fires in that period. Geary et al, 2021

While resprouting eucalypts can be resilient to periodic fires, we know surprisingly little about how they’ll respond to increasingly common severe fires, particularly when combined with factors like drought.

Early evidence shows resprouting can fail when fire is too frequent, as seen in snow gum forests in the Victorian alps.

Understanding why is an area of active research, but reasons could include damaged resprouting buds (as their protective bark is thinned by successive fires), or the depletion of the trees’ energy reserves.

Snow gum forest killed and burned by three successive severe fires in ten years in the Alpine National Park. T Fairman

Forests burned by two fires stored half the carbon

If resprouting after fire begins to fail, what might this mean for carbon stores in widespread fire-tolerant eucalypt forests?

In our new paper, we tackled this question by measuring carbon stored in Victoria’s dry eucalypt forests. We targeted areas that had been burned once or twice by severe bushfire within just six years. In these places, severe fires usually occur decades apart.

In general, we found climate change impacts resprouting forests on two fronts:
  1. as conditions get warmer and drier, these forests will store less carbon due to reduced growth
  2. as severe fires become more frequent, forests will store less carbon, with more trees dying and becoming dead wood.
Our study forest type in West Gippsland, and the effects of one and two severe fires within six years. In the frequently burned site, nearly all trees had their epicormic buds killed and all resprouting occurred from the base of the trees. T Fairman

First, we found carbon stores were lower in the drier and hotter parts of the landscape than the cooler and wetter parts. This makes sense - as any gardener knows, plants grow much better where water is plentiful and it’s not too hot.

When frequent fire was added to the mix, forest carbon storage reduced even further. At warmer and drier sites, a forest burned by two severe fires had about half as much carbon as a forest burned by a single severe fire.

More trees were killed with more frequent fire, which means what was once “living carbon” becomes “dead carbon” - which will rot and be a source of emissions. In fact, after two fires, less than half of the forest carbon was stored in living trees.

The carbon stored in large living trees is an important stock and is usually considered stable, given larger trees are generally more resilient to disturbance. But we found their carbon stocks, too, significantly declined with more frequent fire.

Victoria’s high country, recovering from multiple fires in the last 20 years. T Fairman

What do we do about it?

Given how widespread this forest type is in southern Australia, we need a better understanding of how it responds to frequent fires to accurately account for changes in their carbon stocks. We also must begin exploring new ways to manage our forests.

Reinstating Indigenous fire management, including traditional burning practices, and active forest management may mitigate some of the impacts we’ve detected.

We could also learn from and adapt management approaches in the dry forests of North America, where the new concept of “pyro-silviculture” is being explored.

Pyro-silviculture can include targeted thinning to reduce the density of trees in forests, which can lower their susceptibility to drought, and encourage the growth of large trees. It can also involve controlled burns to reduce the severity of future fires.

With the next, inevitable fire season on Australia’s horizon, such approaches are essential tools in our management kit, ensuring we can build better resilience in forest ecosystems and stabilise these crucial stocks of carbon.


(AU The Conversation) Liquid Marbles: How This Tiny, Emerging Technology Could Solve Carbon Capture And Storage Problems

The Conversation - | | |


  • is Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, University of the Sunshine Coast
  • is Professor, Queensland University of Technology
  • is Professor and Director of Queensland Micro- and Nanotechnology Centre, Griffith University
  • is Professor, Mechanical Systems and Asset Management, Queensland University of Technology
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has been touted, again and again, as one of the critical technologies that could help Australia reach its climate targets, and features heavily in the federal government’s plan for net-zero emissions by 2050.

CCS is generally when emissions are captured at the source, such as from a coal-fired power station, trucked to a remote location and stored underground.

But critics say investing in CCS means betting on technology that’s not yet proven to work at scale.

Indeed, technology-wise, the design of effective carbon-capturing materials, both solid and liquid, has historically been a challenging task.

So could it ever be a viable solution to the fossil fuel industry’s carbon dioxide emissions?

Emerging overseas research shows “liquid marbles” – tiny droplets coated with nanoparticles – could possibly address current challenges in materials used to capture carbon.

And our modelling research, published yesterday, brings us a big step closer to making this futuristic technology a reality.

Issues with carbon capture

Under its Technology Investment Roadmap, the Morrison government considers CCS a priority low-emissions technology, and is investing A$300 million over ten years to develop it.

But the efficacy and efficiency of CCS has long been controversial due to its high-operational costs and scaling-up issues for a wider application.

An ongoing problem, more specifically, is the effectiveness of materials used to capture the CO₂, such as absorbents. One example is called “amine scrubbing”, a method used since 1930 to separate, for instance, CO₂ from natural gas and hydrogen.

The problems with amine scrubbing include its high costs, corrosion-related issues and high losses in materials and energy. Liquid marbles can overcome some of these challenges.

This technology can be almost invisible to the naked eye, with some marbles under 1 millimetre in diameter. The liquid it holds – most commonly water or alcohol – is on the scale of microlitres (a microlitre is one thousandth of a millilitre).

The marbles have an outer layer of nanoparticles that form a flexible and porous shell, preventing the liquid within from leaking out. Thanks to this armour, they can behave like flexible, stretchable and soft solids, with a liquid core.

The federal government regards carbon capture and storage as a priority technology, but some critics say it will only allow the fossil fuel industry to continue polluting. AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

What do marbles have to do with CCS?

Liquid marbles have many unique abilities: they can float, they roll smoothly, and they can be stacked on top of each other.

Other desirable properties include resistance to contamination, low-friction and flexible manipulation, making them appealing for applications such as gas capture, drug delivery and even as miniature bio-reactors.

In the context of CO₂ capture, their ability to selectively interact with gases, liquids and solids is most crucial. A key advantage of using liquid marbles is their size and shape, because thousands of spherical particles only millimetres in size can directly be installed in large reactors.

Gas from the reactor hits the marbles, where it clings to the nanoparticle outer shell (in a process called “adsorption”). The gas then reacts with the liquid within, separating the CO₂ and capturing it inside the marble. Later, we can take out this CO₂ and store it underground, and then recycle the liquid for future processing.

This process can be a more time and cost-efficient way of capturing CO₂ due to, for example, the liquid (and potentially solid) recycling, as well as the marbles’ high mechanical strength, reactivity, sorption rates and long-term stability.

So what’s stopping us?

Despite recent progress, many properties of liquid marbles remain elusive. What’s more, the only way to test liquid marbles is currently through physical experiments conducted in a laboratory.

Physical experiments have their limitations, such as the difficulty to measure the surface tension and surface area, which are important indicators of the marble’s reactivity and stability.

A liquid marble, with lines indicating the trajectory of its internal flow. Nam-Trung Nguyen, Author provided

In this context, our new computational modelling can improve our understanding of these properties, and can help overcome the use of costly and time-intensive experiment-only procedures.

 Another challenge is developing practical, rigorous and large-scale approaches to manipulate liquid marble arrays within the reactor.

Further computational modelling we’re currently working on will aim to analyse the three-dimensional changes in the shapes and dynamics of liquid marbles, with better convenience and accuracy.

This will open up new horizons for a myriad of engineering applications, including CO₂ capture.

Beyond carbon capture

Research on liquid marbles started off as just an inquisitive topic around 20 years ago and, since then, ongoing research has made it a sought-after platform with applications beyond carbon capture.

This cutting-edge technology could not only change how we solve climate problems, but environmental and medical problems, too.

Magnetic liquid marbles, for example, have demonstrated their potential in biomedical procedures, such as drug delivery, due to their ability to be opened and closed using magnets outside the body.

Other applications of liquid marbles include gas sensing, acidity sensing and pollution detection.

With more modelling and experiments, the next logical step would be to scale up this technology for mainstream use.


(AU ABC) Net Zero Policies Could Have A Big Impact On Farm Businesses And The Rural Landscape

ABC Rural - David Claughton | Josh Becker

Farmer Clare Cannon is excited about the potential for net zero policies to change the economics of farming and the landscape itself. (Supplied: Carbon Market Institute)

Key Points
  • Labor's 2030 net zero target could drive up the carbon price and demand for carbon credits
  • The government's Technology Investment Roadmap aiming to bring down the cost of carbon sequestration on farms
  • The rising carbon market could help transform farm businesses and reshape the Australian landscape
Farmers may be deeply affected by net zero policies of the two major parties, and a big shake-up is possible to both the carbon market and farm landscapes around the country if they are fully adopted.

The ALP has set a 43 per cent reduction target for 2030 and has earmarked the "safeguard mechanism" as its key driver for getting there.

John Connor from the Carbon Market Institute has welcomed the policy but thinks both parties need to go further.

The group represents farmers, carbon traders and the big emitters and corporates, including BHP, Newcrest, Qantas, Coles, Energy Australia, Origin, Orics, Lion and Incitec Pivot.

"We have to do almost 50 per cent reductions on 2010 levels by 2030."

John Connor from the Carbon Market Institute inspecting a property where carbon farming is occurring. (Supplied: John Connor)

He also supported the government's Technology Investment Roadmap, which includes a range of measures to support companies to reduce emissions and develop the carbon trading system.

"The government has also been assisting companies that want to do voluntary measures, and we should be backing all these horses."

How does the safeguard work?

The safeguard mechanism is designed to help big businesses measure, report and manage their emissions.

The Coalition introduced it when Tony Abbott scrapped the price on carbon, but Labor wants to make the controls on the major emitters even stronger.

Andrew Ward from the farmer-based carbon trading platform Regen Farmers Mutual thinks that a change to the safeguard principle will help push the price of carbon credits up beyond $40 per tonne.

"In Australia, it's rising rapidly off a low base, but in the EU, it's pegged to go over $100 per tonne."

The bottom line still a barrier

For many farmers, the price of carbon is still only at the break-even point because the cost of complying with the regulatory framework is very high.

Up until last week, farmers had to use expensive tests to get a baseline on how much carbon was in their soils and then test again to prove how much it had increased.

A new methodology that allows modelling to determine carbon levels and testing should bring the cost down. However, Professor of Agriculture at Western Sydney University Snow Barlow said it was still not viable for many farmers.
"Recent studies show it's difficult to make money through soil carbon and the major reason is measurement verification costs," Professor Barlow said.
Carbon moves naturally between the air, land and sea, but farmers can store more in the soil if they change land management practices. (Supplied: Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering)

Bankers' attitudes changing

Farmers have been reluctant to commit to 25-year carbon sequestration deals because they put constraints on how they can manage their land, and banks have seen those deals as a liability on a farm's title as well.

According to Andrew Ward, that could change as the constraints are being eased by new, more flexible carbon sequestration rules and the banks re-evaluate the benefits of carbon trading.

"They're now starting to see those carbon assets as assets, not liabilities, and they're lending now against environmental assets that are on-farm, where previously they never even measured environmental assets."

To sell or not to sell? 

Over 90 per cent of the trade-in carbon credits so far has been through the government's own Carbon Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) but the voluntary market is growing as more corporations seek to make deals directly with farmers or carbon aggregators.

So, should farmers focus on the voluntary market instead of a much lower-priced government trading platform?

Andrew Ward thinks there is still merit in going through the process of accreditation with the ERF because it has a good international reputation.

"Use the ERF for qualification, reporting and verification but because the voluntary market will pay for things that the regulated market won't probably sell into the voluntary market."

Carbon trading could help change the landscape

The major parties net zero policies could have a major impact on Australian farmers who will play a key role in storing carbon in the soil. (Supplied: Carbon Market Institute)

Riverina cattle and sheep farmer Clare Cannon is excited about the potential of these policies to change the economics of farming and the way farmers manage the land.

That is because storing carbon requires a lot more vegetation and biodiversity on-farm.
"Not only is it giving us potentially more income, but it will actually help us restore our landscapes."
"The earth's soil has the potential to hold two and a half times more carbon than all plants on earth and the atmosphere combined," she said.
