
We Can't Beat the Tide of Climate Change if We Don’t Stop Relying on Coal

Fairfax - Anote Tong President of the Republic of Kiribati

Kiribati is at the front line of climate change and is calling for world action to reduce global emissions.
Photo: Justin McManus
It is always a pleasure to be in Australia, a neighbour and a strong supporter of our young nation of Kiribati throughout its nation-building journey. The relationship between Kiribati and Australia has endured over generations and has grown from strength to strength. The relationship is predicated on shared mutual interests and being part of one region and one ocean. Even more important are the personal links that our people have nurtured and respected throughout the years and which I am confident will last.
Indeed our mutual respect for each other remains the basis for our shared interest in ensuring the preservation of this planet our one and only home. It is my very strong belief that our two nations will endeavour to do all we can to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  It is in this context that on behalf of my people, we are seeking commitments from the world's governments for a moratorium on new coal mines.
Anote Tong, President of Kiribati
The scientific evidence is clear; we need to produce and burn less coal. Furthermore, the age of coal and steam is coming to an end with the world acknowledging that there should be a transition towards cleaner and renewable energy. The moratorium on new coal mines is but the first step towards a world that is less dependent on fossil fuel. Indeed, there is simply no plausible scenario in which a world that is tackling climate change needs enormous new coal mines.
Since calling for a halt to the construction of new coal mines in August, the voices of the Kiribati people have already been joined by those of 11 other Pacific islands. Globally our call has been supported by voices as diverse as Sir Nicholas Stern and Naomi Klein. Recently in Australia, 61 eminent scientists, economists, sports people and church leaders supported our call. I take this opportunity to convey my appreciation to all of them for their support and sincerely hope that many more will be able to join this call.
We have not asked the world to cease coal production immediately. We are simply asking that the world stop building new mines. Science has confirmed that the production and use of coal is and will contribute to increasing global emissions. For my people who are at the front line of climate change, any concrete action towards the reduction of global emissions is ensuring their survival as a nation, as a culture and as a people.
It is against this background that it is disheartening to note the decision of the government of Australia to approve the Carmichael mine in Queensland. In doing so, it is basically forfeiting those of us who have the greatest to lose from the impacts of climate change, in support of relatively small and wealthy interest groups such as the coal industry.
As the Paris climate talks get closer, leaders from around the world are preparing to take part in a process which is designed to allow each of them to achieve more by working together than they could possibly achieve on their own. We can no longer act as individual nations in isolation of the rest of the world.
I am very optimistic that we as leaders will be able to act together to preserve this planet by taking positive steps towards cleaner and renewable energy. I am very confident that the world as a whole will understand that renewable energy is the only option and one that makes economic and financial sense.
Indeed, Australia is one of the leading nations in terms of technological innovation for renewable energy. Furthermore, the growing support for a moratorium on coal by the Australian public and around the world is acknowledgement that to ensure the preservation of this planet our one and only home, renewable and clean energy is the only way forward.
For the sake of our children and our grandchildren, let us do what is right for them.

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