Cop26 president Alok Sharma, centre, speaks during the UN
climate conference.
Photograph: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images
Laurence Tubiana, one of the architects of the 2015 Paris deal and now CEO of the European Climate Foundation
“Paris is working. Despite the Covid-19 crisis, we have accelerated action, responded to the [scientists’] call to close the gap towards 1.5C, and coal is in the text. But there is a lot more to do.
"The commitments and claims of the first week on finance, forests, end of public finance for fossil fuel, methane and cars must now be translated into real policy and oil and gas production still to be addressed.
“This Cop has failed to provide immediate assistance for people suffering now. I welcome the doubling of adaptation finance as climate impacts are every year stronger, [but] loss and damage must be at the top of the agenda for Cop27."
Vanessa Nakate, climate activist from Uganda
“Even if leaders stuck to the promises they have made here in Glasgow, it would not prevent the destruction of communities like mine. Right now, at 1.2C of global warming, drought and flooding are killing people in Uganda.
"Only immediate, drastic emissions cuts will give us hope of safety, and world leaders have failed to rise to the moment.
“But people are joining our movement. 100,000 people from all different backgrounds came to the streets in Glasgow during Cop and the pressure for change is building.”
Mohamed Adow, director of Power Shift Africa
“This summit has been a triumph of diplomacy over real substance. The outcome here reflects a Cop held in the rich world and the outcome contains the priorities of the rich world.
“We are leaving empty-handed [on loss and damage] but morally stronger and hopeful that we can sustain the momentum in the coming year to deliver meaningful support which will allow the vulnerables to deal with the irreversible impacts of climate change created by the polluting world who are failing to take responsibility.”
Alden Meyer, senior associate at the thinktank E3G
“We saw a call here in Glasgow for emergency actions to deal with the existential threat of climate change – and some important initiatives were launched. But whether enough countries raise their 2030 ambition enough to keep 1.5C in reach [when they return in 2022] will be the real test of the success of this Cop26.
“As a lifelong optimist, I see the Glasgow outcome as half-full rather than half-empty. But the atmosphere responds to emissions – not Cop decisions – and much work remains ahead to translate the strong rhetoric here into reality.”
José Gregorio Mirabal Díaz, elected leader of Coica (an umbrella body that includes indigenous leaders from the nine Amazon nations)
“We will always have the hope that we can stop the climate crisis with the support of all, but until now the extractivism development model has deceived the world. This must change now.
“If the solution is to protect nature to avoid climate change, this can only be done with giving land titles for indigenous peoples, allowing us to self-demarcate our territories so that external invasions do not come, whether of oil, gold, mining or any type of extractive exploitation.”
Jennifer Morgan, executive director of Greenpeace International
[On India rewording the language from “phasing out” coal to “phasing down”]
“They changed a word but they can’t change the signal coming out of this Cop, that the era of coal is ending. If you’re a coal company executive, this Cop saw a bad outcome.
“It’s in the interests of all countries, including those who still burn coal, to transition to clean renewable energy, and richer countries need to do more to support the shift. Our future depends on it.”
Rachel Kennerley, climate campaigner at Friends of the Earth
“The road to 1.5C just got harder when these talks should have cleared the way to making it a whole lot easier.
“The UK government cunningly curated announcements throughout this fortnight so that it seemed rapid progress was being made. Here we are though, and the Glasgow get-out clause means that leaders failed to phase out fossil fuels and the richest countries won’t pay historic climate debt.
“With the Cop moment over, countries should break away from the pack in their race for meaningful climate action and let history judge the laggards.
"The UK, as a country with huge historical responsibility for emissions, can end support for a mega gas project in Mozambique, pull the plug on the Cambo oilfield, stop the new coalmine in Cumbria and drilling for oil in Surrey. After all, the prime minister talked a big game at the beginning of the fortnight.”
Amanda Mukwashi, CEO of Christian Aid
“We were told that Cop26 was the last best chance to keep 1.5C alive but it’s been placed on life support. Rich nations have kicked the can down the road and with it the promise of the urgent climate action people on the frontline of this crisis need.
“After two weeks of negotiations, the voices of those experiencing the harsh impacts of climate change have largely been excluded and not been heeded. Warm words on loss and damage and finance for developing countries to adapt to climate change are not good enough.
"Rich nations need to accept their responsibility, put their money where their mouths are, and provide the billions needed. Developing nations have done the least to cause this crisis but have shown commitment to tackling it.”
Lord Nicholas Stern, chair of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change
“Overall, Cop26 has been a major step along the way, but it has still left us far short of the target of limiting warming to 1.5C. That it is why it is so important that countries agree to put forward by the end of next year more ambitious pledges for emissions cuts by 2030.
"Cop26 embodied a shared understanding of just how dangerous our current path is, and indeed the dangers of warming beyond 1.5C.
“There is so much work to do over the next 12 months ahead of Cop27 in Egypt. The work on finance will be crucial to raising ambition. If we are slow to unlock the finance, we will be slow to raise the ambition.”
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